23, guys im scared did you hear that?

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Hehehe two updates in 2 days?!
Anna's POV
"Where the HELL have you been Anna!" My mom says as I open the front door

"I told you I was at Katies!" I say
She shakes her head frantically
"Nonono see I talked with Katies dad he said you were never at her house" she says

"W-well we weren't at her house, we went out to eat and then we went to Melanie's house" I lie
"Okay so if I call her and Melanie they will have the same story?" She asks

I'm 100% sure they will get the hint even though I haven't seen Melanie since that day at the restaurant

"Yes! Jeez" I say
I hear the phone ring
"Hi miss ganiz?" I hear Katie say from the phone

"Hello Katie! I was just wondering, where was Anna at earlier?" My mom asks
"Oh we were hanging out" Katie says
"And what did you guys do?" My mom asks
"Mom I told you we went out to eat and then went to Melanies!" I say so Katie can get the hint
"Yeah what she said" Katie says
"Hmm well let's add Melanie to this call shall we?" Mom says
"Umm hello?" Melanie asks as she accepts the call

"Hi Melanie! Hope I'm not bothering you"
I roll my eyes at my moms behavior
"Hi grace" Melanie says

See now Melanie has never liked my mom at first I never understood why but im starting to notice how she acts

"Katie said you guys hung out?" My mom asks
Oh shit
"Yeah? Do you have a problem about that?" Melanie says
"N-no uh okay well I should go now it was nice talking to you two" my mom hangs up

I sigh "Im gonna go to my room" I say

"Nuh uh come here young lady" she says
"Yes?" I ask
"Why are your clothes wet?" She asks
"Well did you not see it was raining earlier? Must I have to explain EVERYTHING to you?!" I half-yell

Yeah she's my mom I should treat her with respect but I do not need to explain myself for EVERY LITTLE FUCKING THING honestly I'm tired of her shit and I can't wait until I get out of this hellhole it's my own fucking life I'm 18 already. I'm moving out that's it no I'm not gonna take anymore shit from her I'm gonna get a job I'll work 8 hours I'll get 2 hours of free time but I'll have days off so that'll be around $600 a week $2400 a month that's enough for an apartment I'll look for a job tomorrow

"Anna I know your seeing her so fucking stop I've warned you and im not gonna fucking stop until her live is RUINED and your getting in the way of that, I won't stop at anything so if your life gets ruined too that's not on me" she basically whispers

"Your fucking crazy I can't fucking believe this first you think I'm dating my teacher and now your saying your gonna ruin my life? You need help" I laugh with no humor in it

"No that's not what I said, what I said was that your life would get ruined if you were seeing her so that must mean your dating her no?" She says

"Mom you need serious help" I say one last time before I go to my room

The next day

"Shut the fuck upppp" I shout to my alarm ⏰
"BEEP BEEP BEEP FUCK OFF" I mimic the alarm

"Well someones gonna have a breakdown" I hear someone say entering my room

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I've been waiting outside for like an hour, I got here at 7:40"Katie says

"Dude it's 7:45 " I say as I glance at my alarm clock
"Well....5 minutes is a lot" Katie laughs
I get ready and leave to school with Katie
I haven't gone back to school since the day at the restaurant so it's not a fucking surprise that everyone's staring and whispering to someone next to them

"Dude where have you been? Have you heard the rumors? People are saying you were suspended cause you were sleeping with your teacher what the hell" Melanie comes up to me as I enter the highschool

"Yeahhh welllll I don't know. People are fucking weird" I say feeling a little unusual out of nowhere

"Yo you good?" Katie asks
"Yeah I just have a headache I'm gonna go to the nurse" I say
"I'll walk you" Melanie says
"Okay bye Anna" Katie makes a kissy face

"So the rumors aren't true? Wait what am I even saying of course they aren't sorry" Melanie starts
As we head to the nurses office
"Of course not Mel" I sigh
"Just making sure alright we're here and I should start heading to class bye Anna see you at lunch!" She says heading the other direction

I turn and knock on the door infront if me it opens and "hello? Oh! Hello Anna! Are you feeling well?" The nurse asks

If I wasn't would I be here? Okay first of all get a reality check the whole world isn't spinning around me Anna get rid of the fucking attitude

"Um no I have a headache if I can just get some tylenol I'll be in my way" I smile

"Oh no honey Come on in! I'll check your temperature just to be safe" she says
I step in the mini hospital

"Sit on that chair would you?" She says
I drop my juicy ass-
I sit politely with my legs crossed very ladylike on the tiny chair that does not seem to fit my bottom very well

"Ok can you open your mouth so I can check your temperature" she asks and I obey

"Oh sweetheart it's at 105 how are you still standing? You should go home I'll call your mom to come pick you up" she says

"No I'll be fine Can I just get some Tylenol that will make it better, promise" I say

"I don't know...this seems serious" she says
"If I still feel bad after the Tylenol then I'll come back" I say

"Okay here you go " she hands me the Tylenol

And thank her and head to class im lucky the bell hasn't rung but the nurse gave me a slip just in case so I can like...run a little late and I have a new English class cause Angelina has to stay 25 fucking feet away from me so I think I'll just head to the bathroom

I'm kind of feeling dizzy

"Anna?!" I hear before passing out


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