Chapter Four

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-Another few minutes later after the President grabbed the phone from the office president.-

The President hunts through luggage. Overturned garment bags and suitcases around him, belongings littered all over the bulkhead. He sifts through heaps of clothing and finally recovers what he's been looking for...


He flips it open, starts to dial... but freezes.

"Goddammit!" The President said.

"What happened, Dad?" Angel asked.

"I can't remember of the number, Angel." The President answers.

"Let's try this, Dad." Angel said as she pick up the phone then she dials... CLOSE. ON PHONE -555-1212... Information. The phone rings...

Angel. Finally, the phone picks up.

"Here Dad, we got the phone pick up." She said as Angel give to her dad.

"Information. How can I assist you?" Voice of phone.

"Washington D.C.?" The President asked.

"Yes, sir. Can I help you?"

"Yes, the number for the White House."

Marshall waits as the phone rings...

"I hope this phone not taking too much longer, Dad." Angel said then he nodded.

A chipper woman in her mid-20s picks up the call.

"White House switchboard. How may I direct your call." Switchboard said.

"Finally..." Angel said with sigh to relief.

"Okay listen, listen carefully. This is an emergency call from Air Force One. Who's there? Is the Vice-President there?" The President asked.

"Who can I say is calling?" Switchboard asked.

"This is the President." He answers.

"Yeah, right. And I'm the first lady."

"Don't cut me off. This is an emergency."

"Look, sir, the president doesn't call this particular phone number. So, whoever you are, get a life," she told him.

"Trace the call," he said as the lady said those three last words. "Follow your standard security procedure, and trace this ******* call."

He was diverting himself from the Ruskie's view as he looked at his left.

"Okay. If you wanna make a federal case out of this, fine by me." She was really believing that he's a prank caller.

Still cautious, he peeked to see anything going on. He saw nothing, and Angel went over to check to find out now that there's no one there.

"Dad, I have to hide on baggage room before Ruskie's know we here." Angel said.

"Okay, be careful." The President said then she nod and run to hide to place somewhere.

He then went back to the phone.

"Look - Anyone there?" The President called on the phone.

"Don't move!" the Ruskie shouted at the President.

"I traced the call, sir." The President heard the operator say.

"Drop your weapons." The Ruskie said. "Very slowly."

"Are you there?"

"Oh my God, he got my father." Angel said herself after she sees Ruskie's got the President.

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