Tim's Unwanted Memories

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He was going back to a place he'd hoped he would never see again.

Tim's hand paused on the doorknob to his childhood home. His father had recently passed away, and it was Tim's and Gennys job to move all of his stuff out before the house was sold.

Genny placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Tim. You can do this. He can't hurt us anymore." Genny said before putting her free hand on top of his and turning the door knob.

As the door swung open, Tim saw that it looked almost exactly the same as it did when he was 17. The same yellow walls in the living room. It's the same wooden floor. The same smell. The only thing that was different was the holes where his father had smashed Tim's head against the plaster had been filled in.

Tim took a shakey breath before following Genny inside.

He felt the weight of his memories flooding back - the sound of plates being smashed onto the floor, the hard punches that made his vision blurr, and the verbal abuse that he had experienced his entire childhood. As he walked through the house, he couldn't help but notice that despite his father's things still being there, the house still felt empty, like it had let go of all of the bad memories.

Genny placed a hand on his back, silently offering her support. Tim felt a wave of gratitude wash over him and took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He walked over to the living room and up to the table that he used to tell his sister to hide under away from their father. Just touching the table top made him shudder.

Tim turned around and looked at Genny. "Let's get this done." he said, his voice determined. Together, they began the process of sorting through his father's possessions, throwing most of them out, and only keeping anything of emotional value or sentimental.

Genny disappeared at some point to make a call to lucy to ask if she could come pick Tim up and then stay with him after.

As Genny stepped outside to make the call, Tim made his way to his bedroom. Everything was as he had left it on the day he had left the house. His old posters hung on the walls, his books were on the same shelves, and his bed was exactly how he had left it. His father obviously hadn't bothered to tidy it up.

As he sat down on the bed, he felt a rush of emotions hit him all at once. He had been running from his past for so long that he had never allowed himself to truly process what he had experienced. But now, surrounded by his childhood memories, the pain and hurt came flooding back.

A knock on the bedroom door pulled him out of his thoughts. It was Genny, accompanied by Lucy and a bag filled with Tim's favourite snacks and a bottle of vodka. Tim's eyes filled with tears as he saw the love and support in their faces.

"Come on, let's get out of here. Kojo probably misses us" Lucy said, putting her arm around his shoulder.

As they drove away from the house, Tim felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had faced his past, and now he was on his way to a new beginning with the people who he knew would never hurt him...

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