its been so long

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activating his reinforced tendons, izuku launched himself off the rooftop and onto the streets below following the route to the designated meeting spot. an area izuku knew all to well, the no tell motel. The most common place for shady business in night city, as well as other means izuku harshly found out with a not so clothed Meredith stout. The memory of that night gave izuku a chill down his metalic spine

johnny: 'wish i was in your head when that happened V' 

izuku: 'fuck off johnny'

after leaping through the busy streets for about 5minutes, he had found himself outside the destination, the smell of death and piss filled Izuku's nostrils .making him wish he had nose implants. Izukus hollo was pinged once again by nezu with nothing but the room number.

'i dont have good feeling about this' izuku thought to himself, doing deals in shady motels like this wasnt uncommon, however hes never known of  a hero to use shady areas for business. Something had to be up. 

'looks like this is the room'

izuku: "open up its me V" 

slamming his fist onto the thick metal door. but there was nothing but silence on the other end. Izuku was going ready to bang on the door once again, when the door finally slid open. 

Aizawa pov: 

i couldn't believe what i was seeing, after all these years of searching, i couldnt believe he was finally Infront of me again. I never till this day forgave the yagi family for what they did to izuku, how dare they abandon family.

I couldn't tell if it was just the darkness of the room or my lack of sleep. but the once vibrant and cheerful izuku was gone, 13years alone had changed him so much more than what i thought. i could feel the tears welling up in my eyes

Aizawa: "its been so long" was all I was able to choke out of my mouth. every day i was working was dedicated to finding Izuku and here he was finally Infront of me.

i saw Izuku's face soften into a small smile

Izuku: i guess it has been, may i come in? the rat has said i need to speak to you?

i move out the way and let him into the room. 

narrator pov: 

the two sat down, izuku was glad it was just him and Aizawa. the very thought of seeing any of his ex family made his circuits go haywire. Despite not being related Izuku had always classed Aizawa as his uncle growing up due to seeing him a lot around the house, sometimes more than what he would see his own parents whilst they were off being hero's. The reunion was bitter sweet for the teen, he missed his uncle, but knew the visit was more than just merely to see him again.

Aizawa: I'm glad to see you're doing so well Izuku, i wish i could spend more time speaking to you right now, but nezu has asked me to keep our reunion short. 

Izuku's face dimmed, he wanted to spend more time with Aizawa. for the first time since moving to night city, he felt at home being with Aizawa. he remembered all the fun times that had spent together at various cat cafes. Night city wasn't the type of place where pets were something people wanted. For them they were to expensive and weren't worth risking being killed in a spontaneous shoot out.

Izuku: What does the rat from me? 

Aizawa was shocked by the bluntness of izuku, night city really had changed him.

Aizawa: He wants you for a job, He wants you at U.A to help with the teaching staff. He said that the current staff dont have the same cutthroat mentality like you and I. he hasnt given me any more information apart from that.

Izuku knew that the rat didn't need him for just that, the principle was a ruthless psychopath, worse than most cyberphyco's in night city, he knew if he wanted to full answer he would have to go to U.A and see himself

Izuku: I aint going without A price, it wont just be me going either. 

Aizawa: doesn't bother me in the slightest, Nezu said to name your price and then double it

Aizawa then gave a rare smirk

Aizawa: it will be coming out of allmights wages after all

there was a moment of silence in the dim motel room

johnny, izuku, Aizawa: 


If it wasn't for the soundproofing of the rooms, their laughs would of been heard all the way in the Badlands. 

meanwhile in the yagi household.........

"why do i have a bad feeling all of a sudden?"

oh bless that family, for they don't know how hellish there life will be when a certain dark greenette arrives at U.A

"hells coming with me"


its been a while since ive written anything, but i hope you all enjoy!

as it stands "HIGHSPEED" will be the new book based on votes, however im giving it till Sunday till the voting closes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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