Chapter 5

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Nico was sitting near the river. It had taken him ages to find this place, and he wasn't going to waste the opportunity. At this point he pulled out his fishing rod, put the bobber on the end, and thew the string into the water. Hoping that he would get something, Nico waited. 

In the trees away from the water, he watched Ambrew walk back to his temporary house, carrying stack and stacks of logs. In troubled times, distracting yourself was the best thing to do. 

"Hey," Nico called out. But the Ambrew wasn't paying attention. "You good?"

Still no response. Nico thought he was too distracted by the giant pieces of wood he was carrying. "Ambrew?"

Ambrew finally looked up. "Oh, hey Nico..."

"Whatcha doing?" Nico asked curiously.

Ambrew looked into the distance. "Fixing up my house. You?"

"Nice. I'm fishing." Nico motioned towards the fishing rod in his hands. 

Ambrew dropped the wood he was carrying and sat next to Nico. He looked at his hands, as if confused, then looked at Nico and struggled to form words to say. "I can't....I can't believe I...I almost died. On the first day."

Nico looked away. "Don't remind me. We all thought we lost you."

"I just- I have so many questions! How did we end up here? What happened? And why?"

"I don't know."

An awkward silence filled the air- one that resonated with the ambiguous feeling of the questions just asked. Then that silence was broken.

"I'm scared." Ambrew's face was pale, and a little bead of sweat trickled down his brow as he said this. Like he was genuinely terrified.

Nico looked back at the river. Current wasn't strong as of now, but who knows when it would pick up? And what lurked beneath the surface of the water? 

Nico answered truthfully to the statement. "Me too."

More silence. Ambrew responded slowly. "I mean, as long as we're all together, it should be fine, right?"

Nico said nothing in response, thinking of the right thing to say. It was true that Nico may had believed that the group would stay together- but in this world, with these particular people, order never stayed for very long. But if sticking with each other was crucial to survival, then maybe the rules could change up a bit. Nico was still pondering this when the string on his fishing rod began to shake a bit. Nico immediately winded up the fishing rod.

"Dude, I got a lily pad!" Nico took it off the hook and threw it back into the water. "That's the worst thing I could've gotten! Even leather would've been better."

Ambrew laughed at Nico's sudden outburst. "I've got string in my house, want me to to fish with you?"

Nico nodded. "Maybe you'll be luckier than me."

So as the sun slowly moved across the sky, two grown men were fishing in a little stream of water, getting frustrated over being unlucky, happy when getting food, and disgusted when finding junk.


Day 3

Dear Diary,

I can't believe I'm playing Minecraft IRL, except death is permanent. 

I didn't make a book until now, because I couldn't bring myself to murder a cow. They actually scream in pain and it breaks my heart. I'll wait until I can safely get redstone to build a murder machine to get resources without the physical act of it being done.

Building is not too hard. Surviving is tough. It feels like we're camping but it's more scary.

I don't want to be here. None of us do. But we can't leave either.

I'm too scared to go mining in caves. I'm too scared of the realistic zombies and skeletons and creepers that could explode at any time.

We're all scared. We all don't want to die. We all want to live.

I don't know how long we'll all stay friends for. I hope it will last. I hope war doesn't break out. I hope and wish that...nothing bad will happen. I just wish that this would be over soon.

Her writing was cut short by a sharp stabbing pain hitting her in her back. By now, she had learned to recognize this. A skeleton. A fleshless being that wielded a dangerous weapon. She put the book away, pulled out a sword and shield and advanced towards the skeleton.

But before she could take another step, the skeleton's bones collapsed on the ground. Surprised, she whirled around. Kate was behind her, holding a bow. 

She smiled at Kate, her bestie in this world and the only other girl who was on Camp. "Are you okay, Blushi?" Kate asked, concerned.

Blushi smiled. "Yes, I'm okay. Just a little bruise."

Kate smiled, but sighed. "It's scary, isn't it?"

"I know," Blushi said. "We have to be really careful."

But the dark threat was washed away when something glowing interrupted their thought. Something almost...otherworldly.

"Is that an allay?" Blushi gasped. "Aww, it's so cute!"

"Right?" Kate looked at the light blue almost fairy-like creature with bright glowing eyes that made it seem almost magical. 

The two girls stood in awe of the creature for a few seconds, watching it glide this way and that. It was the most heavenly thing they had ever seen since coming into this place.

This world wasn't just about skeletons and zombies. There were some beautiful things in it too. This made Blushi think. Maybe, if they stopped focusing on the bad of the world, and started harnessing the good in it, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Maybe everything was going to be alright after all. As long as Kate and the other were by her side. Perhaps they could go breeding the allays- then the others would see the beauty of this mysterious creature.

Kate looked at the allay, following it as it glided around, tree to tree, flower to flower. Blushi did the same. But the allay was quick, and soon, Kate had tripped over and knocked herself into Blushi, and they both toppled down in a small patch of daffodils.

The allay looked that the two besties curiously with it's big eyes. 

"Oops," said Kate, laughing. Looking at the allay, she laughed a bit more. "You didn't have to watch us fall over!"

Blushi giggled as well, wishing the moment would never end.


A/N: I told you this was wholesome

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