chapter 1

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*  * is Ra talking and °  ° is Khonshu talking

You had gone to a artifact seller to plan out a route to steal the artifacts. You were told to wait till the others had arrived.

While you waited you talked to Ra "So Ra any god drama to talk about?" You said while looking at the sky full of stars. * not really *  "Alright the others have arrived." The host who you didn't care to name said.

The two others were a man and a women from what you gathered they were close to each other. You followed the couple to the artifacts when you saw Khonshu the banished god of justice.

"Hello Khonshu its been awhile hasn't?" You spoke while waving at the birdman °hello m/n it has been long. ° when he answered the man looked at you shocked that you could see the god.

"You can see Khonshu?" The man asked looking slightly upset at you for some reason. "Yes is there something wrong with that?" You said slightly annoyed at him.

Once you said that Khonshu started to talk   ° marc be nice he can help us.°.

The man who you now know as marc sighed and said "How can he help us?"

°He is the avatar of Ra a close friend of mine.° 

" You said the gods hated you?"

° Well all but Ra he is the reason i was not destroyed.°

Once Khonshu said that Ra showed himself to marc and Khonshu.

* Hello my child. * Ra said to marc.

"Hello what is your name?" Someone spoke from behind marc. (Your cover name will beeeeeee North and whatever last name you want). "The names north l/n its a pleasure to meet you." You said while walking to the host to shake his hand. "My name is blah blah blah" marc said ( SHIT I DONT REMEMBER THE NAME THEY USED NOOOOO)

"Its time to look at the artifacts." He said while leading you two to the artifacts. While he did you talked to Ra.

*My child Amits avatar is here.* Ra said speaking to both you and marc.

" well shit🚶 " you said loud enough so that the host heard you. "What is it?" "I hit my toe on a rock sorry heh." "Oh alright.".

When he turned around marc looked at you concerned for some reason. "You may look at the artifacts now." The jerk of a host said marc walked in but was stopped by the host. "Now now i want you to stay and let (SHIT I DONT HAVE WIFI SO I CANT REMEMBER HER NAME SORRY IF ITS WRONG) Layla look at the artifacts.

" He said "No i would like to talk to you about the artifacts if thats alright." You told the host while marc and Layla looked at you in relief. "Why of course what do you want to know?" He said calmly while letting go of marc and leting him walk to the artifact.

You talked the host about the artifacts till Amits avatar walked in.  *My child would you like for me to summon wish for you?* Ra spoke while standing next to you. "yes please." With that wish was sitting next to you then Amits avatar started to speak.

"Hello marc and m/n its been so long." He said while walking towards the group. "I can give you more of whatever they have offered to you." Amits avatar said to the host with that he started to do something with his cane ,and the ground under him turned purple then cracked. Marc ran to the mummy and grabbed a piece of cloth. Then you summoned your suit.

A/n this was a ton of fun if you would like a story or charter x male reader request it and ill get it if i can have a good day~ 641 words

moon knight x male readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant