chapter 2

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~▪︎first impression▪︎~
Time skip later today~~~
Guys we gotta go next class is potions and you already know snape doesn't like being late said blaire can't we just skip its so boring, more boring than astronomy 2b exact said mare mattheo replied with first of all its the first day of school and 2nd we cant risk ruining our perfect attendance true mare answered you guys go ahead ill go get scorp blaire said

Blaire searched for scorp since he was not with them he eventually found him smoking at the astronomy tower
Hey,you good? she said  yeah just smoking for a while he replied
She took the cigarrette out of his hand and smoked it leaving a lipstick stain and threw it out
Ok now that you smoked come with me ,we are going to be late and prof snape does not like being late she said
You did not let me finish smoking but ok he said as he wrap his soft veiny hand on her shoulder

They arrived at the potions class door ,they opened it obv
They are greeted with an annoyed snape that said youre late in a calm but intimidating voice
She said were sorry professor its bec- but she was cut off by snape  saying detent- sighs you know what dont worry about it just take your seat he said blaire and scorpius were relieved they didin't get detention and sat at the back thank god we didin't get detention said scorp

As i was saying before i was interupted ,i am retiring meaning i will no longer be able to teach you ,this made blaire sad bc snape is her favorite prof since year 1 (well tecnicaly not anymore bc of draco lol) there would be a new professor handling year 7 who the fuck now mare thought to herself oh and btw scorps hand is still on blaires shoulder

Which is Draco Malfoy snape continued ,you all shall treat him with the same respect that you give to me . what the fuck he does not look old ,i gotta have his skincare routine lol blaire thought to herself. did you know about this love? She said to scorp nope,tbh i don't even know his full name scorp said really,(she said sarcastically)you dont know your own father's name she said to scorp he chuckled whats his age btw she asked 31 he answered
She thought dang hes old but he looks hot ngl,stop thinking those thoughts she told herself

You good? He asked fine she said until professor talked in his low raspy voice
as snape intoduced you will be calling me professor malfoy i will not tolerate any childish or disrespectful behavior .
Oh shit  i guess ill be spending alot of my time at detention said mare scorp and blaire heard it they laughed a little too loud which got professor malfoys attention.....who laughed he asked and the other students pointed to blaire and scorp

He looked at scorp giving him a death glare and turned his attention to blaire ms.peters he called out yes professor? She said he paused to look and admire her long blond hair,her hourglass body that was perfectly formed in her uniform ,her eyes and her plumed nude lip wishing he could just press his lip right then and there fuck the living soul out of her until she begs him to stop which he cant .....right now but he quickly snaped out of it and said what were you 2 talking about that caused both of you to disturb my lesson ? While his veiny hands rested on her desk and leaning toward her .ig the other students also noticed how professor was leaning bc they were clearly jelous

I-i she said but scorp interrupted saying father ,youre making her uncomfortable and prof malfoy replied i think she would tell me if i am making her uncomfortable in a seductive voice nd lifted her chin showing her visibly rosy cheeks scorps eyes were fillied with anger towards his father after prof malfoy say her face he just smirked and started walking to his desk until blaire mumbled asshole which made him mad what did you say prof malfoy asked nothing sir she said you're getting a 2 days detetion starting now  ugh she said

Time skip to detention~~~

She walks in and sees him waiting for her she went to sit at the back until professor motioned her to sit at the front of his desk she rolled her eyes and sat at the chair for about 30 mins prof was not paying attention to her so she went to the door and tried to open it
Where do you think your going he said while raising hir eyebrows
She answered out, sir her calling him sir made him feel things maybe butterflies? No,sit back down he said but sir you dont ask me to do anything and you dont even pay attention to me she said back he looked at her and started walking towards her she was walking backwards until she hit the cold stone wall he pressed his hand on the wall making her flinch the  he whisperd to her ear well what exactly do you want me to do to you?he said seductively while on the other hand she was wetter than the fucking ocean  he notices how wet she is and smirked so wet for me,what a slut you are 

And now her pussy is throbinngg just by words kiss me she whispered shocked by what she said professor said too bad i cant
Bc youre with my son and went back to his desk youre free to leave he said and she ran out the door and went to her and mares room but mare is not there only scorp waiting for her . hey love she said to scorp hey he said back wheres matt and mare she asked prolly fuckin ech other he said and they both laughed
But ......

◇◇Ahhhh giving you lovs a bit of a tease ,finally finished this long ass chapter (if you guys see missspeled words ignore it i finished it late ) a lottt of smuttttss at the next 2 or 3 chapters 
I hope yall lovs enjoyed this it took a really long time to make but who cares prolly no one ♧♧♤♤~~~

Luv you guyss♡♡♡♡☆

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