Stanley xbox vs ps5

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As Stanley ran out he realized that he could make zero jelly by dating Clyde Livingsto!!!!! He wanted to make zero work for him. He escaped camp on his helicopter and then went to Clyde's house to seduce him. He went to his door and saw Clyde Livingston doing the whip and nae nae. The whip and nae nae was one of Stanley's signature moves at the strip club he once owned. He busted thru the door with his powerful persuading moves. Thru Clyde's white baseball pants u could obviously spot that huge boner from a mile away. Stanely knew from that huge stick in his pants he definitely had a chance with Clyde. He started sucking his toes and then Clyde Livingston took him to his basket ball room to 1v1 to persuade his love. After the basket ball game Clyde proposed his love and Stanley said yes 👍 they got married and posted it on face book for zero to see. When zero saw it he cried and pulled the piece of kfc chicken out of his butt. He nibbled on it slowly while sobbing so hard he gasped for air. Stanley felt a sense of guilt because he knew zero was his first and true love. His heart belonged to zero but he knew in order to prove zeros love he had to do this. He needed to move on and give his heart to Clyde..

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