Chapter Six: She is Found

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Well, thank dhia we are here. " Well, we better get

going? said Agnes. Gwen nodded and started to go

up the mountain. It was not really steep so they

could bring their wagon up. " Well, we are almost

there." said Gwen.

" I am cold," said Agnes shivering. Gwen gave

Agnes her brown leather jacket, since they could

not get into the wagon, as they still were going up

the mountain. "No, do not give me your jacket, it is

okay I can survive." Gwen insisted though so Agnes

took it.

Two hours later...

"Gwen, I am hungry. Can we stop to eat please?'

said Agnes. You could hear her stomach growling

like a bear that has not eaten for five years. Gwen

agreed and they stopped at a secure looking place.

They both went inside and started to eat some wraps

with hummus that gives you energy. After two


each, their stomachs were so full they looked like

they ate a whole Thanksgiving dinner.

"Should we take a quick nap?" said Gwen. Agnes

agreed and dozed off to sleep on a fuzzy pillow.

Four hours later...

Gwen woke up and saw Agnes in her face saying

"Wake up!" "What do you need from me?" said

Gwen rubbing her eyes.

"It has been four hours since we stopped, we need

to keep going if we are gonna make it on time." said


"Okay let us keep going," said Agnes. After a long

ride they finally made it to the mountain and

managed to enter the mountain easily, where they

found the shimmering, pearly Prinkle. "Okay now

that we have gotten the flower let us go find mom's

body. "Wait there, it says here lies Witch Primrose,"

said Gwen.

"Eww, this is so gross we are going to have to touch

a dead person's body." said Agnes, looking


"Come on, we came all the way here for a reason."

said Gwen. " Okay, here is the moment,"

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