𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Just because you saved me from your drug-addicted father doesn't mean I'm forgiving you for giving me ears and a tail," Luke said as I slammed the trap door shut behind us. I dragged him down, behind the bean bag with a yelp from him and held my breath, waiting patiently. Luke rolled away from me, kicking my hand away. "You're so dramatic," he scoffed. "I don't have time for hide-and-seek. Fix this. Now."

I rose to my feet, letting out a soft sigh of relief. My dad must've gone back inside. We were safe, for now. I turned around and glared at Luke. "Next time you get pissed at me, don't break down my door and alert the entire town to your presence. The neighbors are going to tell my dad they saw you come in here, and I have to come up some sort of lie to get him off my back." I dusted myself off. "You're fucking ridiculous, and stupid."

"I have cat ears. And a tail."

"Yes, I heard you the first time!" 

Luke threw up his hands. "Maybe this is normal for your fucking witch world, but it isn't for me!"

I sighed and leaned against the wall. This was ridiculous. "Okay, so when did..." I waved my hand up and down, gesturing to him. "This, start?"

Luke crossed his arms and slumped against the beanbag chair. He looked like a toddler that was told he'd had too much candy today. It was so hard to take him seriously, especially when there were two ears sprouting out of his head. "This morning. I-I woke up because I heard my dad yelling at someone. I thought it was at me, because it sounded like it was right behind my door. But when I got up I realized that he was downstairs and talking on the phone. I was so confused, so tried to feel my ears to see if something was wrong, and they weren't there."

I frowned. "Huh?"

Luke brushed his hair back. Where there should be a human ear, there was just skin. "See? They're gone. These are my ears now."

It was kind of hard to miss. It looked like his mop of white hair was just covering his ears, but now it was clear that there really wasn't anything there. Holy shit- the ears and tail were real. This was real. "Anything else? Were you sick before you went to bed, did you have a headache?" I felt like a doctor grilling a patient, but there was no other way to get information out of Luke. At least he was willing to answer, especially since he thought that I somehow did this. 

Luke shrugged. "I can't remember."

I rolled my eyes. "Gee, that's a lot of help."

Luke jabbed his finger at me accusingly. "You're the one that did this, shouldn't you be able to fix it?"

I crossed my arms. "First of all, I didn't do this. Second of all, neither did my grandmother. In case you forgot, she's been dead for almost a week now. Curses are fast-acting, a couple days at most."

"See?! That means you did this!"

I shook my head. "No, I didn't. I don't know how to cast a curse. I can't even properly pronounce all of the words in these books."

"Then why the fuck do I have ears?!"

"Stop yelling, I don't want Dad to hear you." That was really unlikely, considering he was blasting western shows in the garage, but I'd rather Luke wasn't screaming in my ear every couple of seconds. That seemed to register with Luke, and he reluctantly shut his mouth. "Have you ever considered that if my grandma is powerful enough to curse you, that there must be other people out there that can as well? I bet one of them cursed you."

Luke's eyes widened. "But you know how to fix this, don't you?"

"Shit I don't know," I said. 

Luke looked terrified for a moment. "What do you mean you don't know?!" He began rubbing his neck up and down, an anxious look on his face.

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