Swords + Secracy

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After fighting Armand's hired men and saving his son, Alejandro meets up with Padré Filipe. He takes the Soap that had 'Oribis Unum' on it and unfolds the letter Elena had places in her pipe.

'Received word of successful explosive test. Stop. Will arrive tomorrow for final meeting. Stop. Orbis Unum. Stop.'

Apparently, Armand was actually a knight. Orbis Unum was a knightly brotherhood that ruled Europe in secrecy after the Crusades. And they had a 1000 year prophecy explaining about how a land in the west would come into great power. America.

But what Alejandro and Filipe couldn't figure out was how was Armand and his men going to destroy America with bars of soap?


Elena sneaks into Armand's winery. After they go through a secret door Elena has one of the workers come over and she nocks him out, picking up his sword. After fighting some men, three of them were getting ready to fight her. When Zorro spins in the air off the balcony ledge and drops down beside her.

They easily beat all the other men, as they take on the last one together. As the last one lunges at them. They both sweep their swords down, pulling down the man's pants to reveal his underpants. Just as the man bends over Elena and Zorro make slashes on each of his cheeks, and across his butt were the letters 'E-Z'.

Elena and Zorro tilt their heads, admiring their work for a second. Then they kick him and he falls into the sewer hole, making a splash as he hits the water.

Alejandro puts his sword into his hilt, as Elena says, "Armand went through there. We have to hurry."

She turns, as he says, "I know about the Pinkertons."

Elena turns around in surprise. "How?"

Alejandro puts his hands on his hips and walks up to her. "It doesn't matter they told me everything."

Elena puts her hand on his shoulder then rests it on his cheek. "It's alright, my darling, I forgive you." She turns to leave again.

Flabbergasted, he says, "You forgive me? No, no. I forgive you. You!" He turns her back to face him, then points his finger in her face.

"For what?" She asks guiltily.

"For everything you put me through." He states.

"Everything I put you through?! I would not be in this mess if you had kept your mask on."

"Really?" He says amazed. "Then why are you still wearing his necklace?"

"I'm undercover. Besides... these are pearls. You never gave me pearls."

Shrugging he says, "But you said you didn't care about things like that."

"I lied! Every woman loves pearls." She grins at him.

"Well, now you have them, princess." He says flirtatiously.

Keeping eye contact, she says, "When I said that we were never meant to be together... I meant it."

Alejandro looks up at the ceiling. "Finally. We agree on something."

Quickly, he takes off his hat, grabs her by the back of the head, pushing Elena against the wall as he kisses her with a firey passion, pressing his body against her's. She gasps in surprise, holding onto his shoulders as she meets his kiss with just as much passion, moaning in pleasure. Their lips and tongues moving in rythm. It'd been so long, too long.

As the kiss slowed, they pulled back, gently catching their breaths.

"This changes nothing," Elena breathes.

"Absolutely not." Alejandro agrees.

Elena moans softly, arching her chest up to him as she pecks him on the lips.

"Follow me." She says simply.

"Always," he whispers against her lips.

She quickly pecks him one more time before running through the secret doorway. Alejandro grins and follows after her.


As they were spying on Armand and his knights, one of the men was getting ready to exit the meeting. Elena and Alrjandro run and hide behind the wine barrels. While they were waiting, a big explosion came out of the doorway. Elena gasps and Alejandro holds her close to his chest.

After the explosion, the other men come out and follow the Count downstairs.
Alejandro and Elena follow them quietly.


Alejandro disguised himself as one of Armand's workers and carried a crate of Nitroglycerin (which were in wine bottles). He overheard Armand's bodyguard tell him that he needed to get back to the hacienda.

Once Alejandro came back to where Elena was hiding, he told her.

Elena shakes her head in surprise. "I have to get back before he does."

She tries to move, but Alejandro holds her still. "I'll keep the train from leaving. Go."

He noticed that she had been looking at his lips. Just as she turned to go, he pulls her back to face him. "Elena. Be careful."

She nods and presses a kiss to his lips before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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