Man in Charge

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"Cowommander Davidson, Emperor Frenzy wishes to speak with you."

"Tell him I'm on my way."

I slowly closed the door behind me as I saw Frenzy standing by the window, looking out to the massive city of Anthropolis. I could see his brown tail swish from side to side, slowly. He cracked his knuckles, and I softly knocked on the door, alerting him of my presence.

"Davidson, good to see you." He said to me, turning around and looking at me.

"You called?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. Sit down."

I slowly walked over to the table and sat down. Frenzy sat down in front of me as he sighed, and looked at me.

"Do you know what next month is?" Frenzy asked.

"June. Pride month."

"Exactly. Ever since the Stonewall Riots, we've been celebrating this month. This is a month to celebrate our people. No matter the gender. Now the UPS wants to ruin it."

"I'm aware. Ever since Major General Alex was killed, this nation has fallen apart. We've become vulnerable to the UPS. This is madness."

"I know, and I agree. We still must keep moving though. The UFN will not and cannot falter."

Just then, the door opened, and coming into the room was Kagemushi. He still had that same smile on his face. He saluted us as we saluted back.

"Frenzy. Davidson. Good to see you again." He said as he sat down.

"Good to see you again, Kagemushi." I replied

"So, Frenzy. You called me here?" Kagemushi asked

"I did." replied Frenzy. "Pride month is coming soon, as well as Anthro-Con, as you know, Kagemushi. The people expect it to be a good month, and we wish for that as well. But our struggle with the UPS makes that wish harder to achieve. Raeal is getting more violent each and every day. I'm afraid he'll do something we don't want him to do."

"So what should we do? The UFN military is just as worried as we are. They need a leader, like Alex."

"Who's gonna take that place then?" I asked

"As the next highest ranking Cowommander, I believe you will, Davidson."

I sat silent for a moment as both Frenzy and Kagemushi both looked at each other, and then me.

"What?" I asked again.

"Cowommander Davidson, I'm promoting you to Major General of the UFN." Frenzy said as I looked down at my badge, and read the word on it.



"Are you up for the job, Davidson?"
"Yeah, I am."


Its been several weeks since Cowommander Davidson was promoted to Major General. I guess we call him Major General Davidson now, huh? The man doesn't waste a second. The UFN and the UPS are going to war. It's obvious. Even Major General Davidson is cool with that now. Raeal really turned this world upside down. How am I gonna tell the news to Mia? She doesn't know what her father turned into.

"Drew, come in here. We need to talk with you." Gray said to me as I walked past the War Room. I walked in and stood by the table. There I saw Gray, along with Thomas and Fang.

I stood quiet for a moment.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"I'm sure you know about Major General Davidson?" Gray asked

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, he's sending his men overseas to the UPS Territories, over in New Asia."

"That's good, isn't it?"
"Yeah, but we got our own situations. The UPS found our base. I don't know how, but they did. We can't stay here much longer if we don't want to fight the UPS, so my suggestion is, we move"

"Move? What do you mean?"
"I mean, we move. No more living in the caves. It's time we hit the skies. In a few days, the largest airship in the entire UPS fleet will be closer to us than it has been since the Great War. It'll be out in the open. We, are going to steal The Elysium."

I shook my paws in denial.

"Woah, hold it right there. You want to steal The Elysium? The largest and strongest airship in the entire, goddamn UPS airfleet?" I asked.

"I know it sounds stupid" Gray spoke out "But once we have The Elysium, we rain hell on the UFN and the UPS, libertate North America, and use it to liberate the world from our tyrannical leaders!"

I sighed.

"Fine, we'll do it. Only thing we have to go against are the hundreds of elite soldiers inside the airship"

"You know how to shoot a gun, right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then it shouldn't be a problem."

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