Kiss 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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After reaching home Rain had to do lot of assignments and notes as he joined little late to college...

Payu also had some works pending so he also kept on working in his laptop...

When both were done it's was already night and both were so tired...

Payu : Rain it's already night...
Let me order something to eat from outside..

Rain : Okay phi...

After sometime the order came and both sat to eat in dining table..

Payu sat next to Rain...

There was some porridge and fried chicken..

Both first eats porridge and then Rain takes one chicken piece and puts in the mouth...

Rain : Ahhhhh... ahhh

Payu panicked...

Payu : What happened Rain...???
What happened...???

Rain : Spicy... ahhh spicy... chicken is spicy 🌶️

Payu soon took a glass of water and makes Rain to drink it...

But Rain still felt so spicy that his tears came out of his eyes..

Payu was so panicked he did not know what to do..

Payu quickly grabs Rain face and kisses him...

Rain was 😳😳😳

Payu kisses and sucks Rain lips continuously...

Rain was feeling better when Payu was sucking his lips...

He slowly closes his eyes...

Payu now puts his tongue inside Rain mouth and licks each and every corner of Rain mouth...

This was the actual first kiss of Rain...

One was on their wedding which they just pecked each other lips...

But this was different...

Payu was totally sucking his lips and now he was sucking his tongue...

Rain felt goosebumps all over his body...

This feeling of getting kissed was so new and beautiful...

Payu on the other hand was so dazed...

Kissing Rain felt so beautiful and fresh...

He did not want to stop anything he was doing but also felt Rain might be uncomfortable so he parts his lips from Rain's lips...

Rain was blushing like hell...

He slowly opens his eyes...

Both did not know what to speak and respond...

After kissing Rain...

Rain felt better but now Payu felt the spiciness
In his mouth...

Payu : Ahhh now it's burning my mouth...

Payu tries to drink water still felt spicy...

Rain was looking at Payu and did not know what to do...

He thought Payu helped him so helping him back won't be harmful...

So he makes up his mind and grabs Payu face and kisses him...

Payu was now so stunned 😳😳😳

Rain tried to do same all things which Payu did to him a minute ago...

Rain starts to licks and sucks Payu lips and puts his tongue inside Payu mouth and licks every corner of Payu's mouth...

Payu was literally feeling so good getting kissed by Rain...

He did not want this kiss to end...

But after few seconds Rain parts his lips...

Now both were shy to look into each other face...

Payu : Do you feel better now..

Rain just nodes...

Rain : And do you feel better...??

Payu: Yes I feel better...

Payu continues...

Payu : Rain am sorry that I kissed you..
When you said spicy...spicy...
I suddenly did not know what to do...

Rain : That's okay phi...

Payu : Are you mad at me..???

Rain : No phi not at all...

Payu felt relief...

Payu : The fried chicken was really way too spicy...

And both laughs...

Later at night both went to bedroom to sleep...

Rain was the first one to sleep as he was so tired...

But Payu couldn't sleep...

The kiss was still coming in front of his eyes...

Rain lips felt magical...

Payu wanted to feel more of those lips...

But he did not want to make Rain uncomfortable...

He opened his eyes to look at Rain..
Peacefully sleeping next to him...

Payu could not stop... he gently touches Rain lips and caresses it...

Payu murmurs to himself "such a cutie"
And your mine...

Payu smiles happily...

Thinking that they both are already married...
And Rain who was cutely sleeping next to him was officially only his...

Payu looks at his marriage ring... having name "Rain" in it...

And then looks at Rain ring having name "Payu" in it...

Omg this cutie is really mine... only mine...

It was morning...

Rain wakes up early...

He opens his eyes to see his handsome husband sleeping next to him...

Rain looks at Payu lips and now the kiss comes in front of his eyes...

Rain feels so shy thinking about the kiss...

Rain also felt like touching Payu's lips...

So he gently touches and caresses Payu lips...

He keeps in staring at Payu...

Oh my husband is really so handsome...

And out of everyone in this world.. he married me and he is only mine...

Rain feels so happy...

He gets out of the bed and takes a shower gets ready and goes to kitchen to prepare breakfast...!!

Payu wakes up and Rain was not next to him...

Payu also takes shower and goes downstairs to see Rain already ready and was preparing breakfast..!!!

End of chapter..!!!
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