Just a Kit

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Allison hurried into the tent while her cousins Olivia and Ostyn Argent distracted and dealt with the hunters. She looked around at the cages, her heart breaking. "You poor dears!"

She made her way around checking on all of them but froze when she got to the back corner. In a small cage, much too small for its occupants, a mama fox huddled around three babies. It made Allison tear up at the cruelty.

She carefully got closer only stopping when the fox's lip curled in the beginnings of a snarl. "Shh. Hey mama. I know but I won't hurt you or your babies. I promise."

The fox tilted its head but didn't move from its position between Allison and the babies.

Allison slowly sank to her knees. "My father, Chris and my step-mother, Brynn, are clearing the camp. We're going to get you out of here and take you home."

That got a reaction out of the fox. It pawed at the cage and whined.

Allison really shouldn't open the cage, but she wanted to help. She slowly moved closer, pausing whenever the fox growled in warning. Her hand hovered over the lock. "I'm going to unlock it. I just want to look you over and check on your babies. I'm a nurse."

The fox nuzzled the babies and dipped its head. Allison unlocked the cage and opened the door. Surprisingly the fox turned its head and picked the babies up by the scruffs of their necks before slinking out. Allison expected the fox to try to run but it didn't. It did look at her expectantly. She pulled out her kit, starting with a small blanket to lay the babies on.

When the fox laid the three babies down it curled around them. It was then Allison that noticed the fox wasn't a mama but a papa. "So, you're their papa, huh?"

The fox stilled and curled tighter around the babies.

Allison smiled. "They're very lucky and loved. I can tell you're a very brave papa. You did so well in taking care of them," she said as she checked them over, being careful to telegraph her movements, her touches gentle.

The fox preened at the praise, eliciting a smile from Allison. Allison started to wonder if she had happened upon a shifter. The fox nuzzled the babies and geckered at her.

Allison grinned. "Shall we get you home?"

The fox's ears drooped.

The reaction made Allison's smile fall. "You don't have a home anymore, do you?"

The fox whined and that cemented Allison's decision.

"You can come to my home. You'll be safe with me and we'll get you food, water, blankets and anything else you might need. It'll be warm and dry and comfy."

The fox picked up the babies by their scruffs and stretched, dipping its head once in agreement. Then he followed Allison out of the tent. He stuck close to her legs, his eyes and ears alert.

Once they cleared the camp, Allison coordinated with her step-mom to check on and rescue the rest of the animals. She told her dad she was heading home. She opened the back door of the SUV and helped get the fox and the babies settled in a warm nest of blankets on the floor. Then she settled into the driver's seat and no more than three hours later they arrived at her home.

The fox followed her inside, up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. He crawled under the bed and curled up bathing his babies with his tongue. He was grateful for the blankets Allison gave him to build a nest under the bed. In the warmth and comfort and safety of the nest he finally relaxed and drifted off.


Allison woke up bright and early and headed to the kitchen for a hot mug of tea. She sipped it slowly and sighed. There was a clatter nearby and she froze before whipping out a small knife and spinning towards the sound.

A young man about her age stood there and shrank back at the sight of the knife, a growl in his throat.

"Y-You are a shifter?" Allison asked in a whisper.

The man looked at her and dipped his head once. He started to sign at her.

> My name is Stiles.  S-T-I-L-E-S. I haven't talked since I shifted. Not sure I could if I tried.

"Oh," she whispered. "My name is Allison. Nice to meet you."

> You know sign language?

He signed.

Allison nodded. "Yes. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

Stiles fidgeted as he gave a small nod.

> If it's not too much trouble. Do you have fruit?

"Of course." Allison grabbed out a small tray and filled it with strawberries, grapes, cheese cubes, pineapple, cantaloupe, blueberries and raspberries. "Here you go."

> Thank you.

He signed as she handed him the tray.

> My babies will love it.

He departed, heading back upstairs.

Later on Allison went upstairs to her library pausing at the doorway of the guest room when she heard voices.

"Daddy? Can I have cheese please?"

"Me too papa?"

"Me fwee!"

Allison's heart melted. The babies must've shifted back as well. She heard them nibbling and then saw Stiles peek his head out. He froze at the sight of her and growled in his throat, flushing in embarrassment when he realized he had done so.

> I'm sorry. I'm just anxious. They're my babies.

"I understand. Don't be sorry. You don't know me and your instincts are going to flare up until you are able to trust me. It's okay." She smiled when Stiles relaxed at her words. "I'll be in the library. You are free to go anywhere in the house. I hope maybe to meet your little ones. They sound adorable."

Stiles smiled at her.

> Maybe soon. Oh! Their names are F-O-K-I-S-I. Fokisi. L-I-S-I-C-A. Lisica and C-R-E-V-Y-N. Crevyn.

Stiles wore a proud grin, puffing out his chest.

Allison giggled and nodded. "Beautiful names."

> Thank you.

Allison watched as Stiles slinked back into the room and then she continued on to the library.

As she settled on the window seat with her newest book she wondered about Stiles's story and background and most of all she wondered what happened to the kits's mama, to Stiles's mate.



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