Chapter 3

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The evening sun cast a warm glow across Lucy's bedroom as she lounged on her bed, flipping through the pages of her favorite novel. She was trying to lose herself in the vivid story, but the emotional turmoil that had plagued her lately made it impossible to get lost in the words.

"Hey," Aiden's name lit up her phone screen, startling her out of her reverie. Her heart raced at the sight of his name, and she felt a mix of excitement and anxiety well up within her.

"Hey," she typed back, her fingers trembling slightly as she tried to maintain her composure.

"Any plans tonight?" Aiden asked.

"Nothing much, just reading," Lucy replied, hoping he wouldn't detect the vulnerability in her words.

"Want to come over and watch a movie? I've got popcorn and everything," Aiden suggested, the casual nature of his message belying the deeper emotions they both knew were brewing between them.

Lucy hesitated, her thumb hovering over the keyboard. She could feel the weight of their unspoken feelings pressing down upon her; memories of past betrayals made it hard for her to trust anyone completely. The thought of spending an evening alone with Aiden, however innocent the intention, made her pulse race even more, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions coursing through her veins.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" she finally responded, biting her lip nervously as she stared at her phone, waiting for his reply.

"Lucy, I know things have been tough lately, but I genuinely care about you and want to spend some quality time together. It's just a movie, I promise," Aiden reassured her, the sincerity behind his words palpable even through the small screen.

She let out a deep breath, feeling the tension knotting within her chest. There was something about Aiden that drew her in, making her want to trust him despite the pain she had experienced in the past. His unwavering support and charming personality had been a beacon of light during some of her darkest moments, and she couldn't deny the growing connection they shared.

"Alright," Lucy typed hesitantly, her heart pounding in her chest as she hit send. "I'll come over."

"Great! I'm looking forward to it. See you soon," Aiden replied, his excitement evident even through the short text.

As she set down her phone and got up from her bed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what was to come. She knew that spending an evening alone with Aiden would be a test of her burgeoning feelings and her loyalty to her brother and ex-boyfriend. But, in this moment, she felt compelled to take a chance on something genuine – something real.

"Please don't hurt me," she whispered into the empty room, hoping against hope that Aiden would prove to be different from those who had betrayed her before.

"Wait," Lucy hesitated, her fingers hovering over the screen as she typed out her response to Aiden. The image of herself sitting on the couch in his dimly lit apartment flickered through her mind, and a sudden wave of anxiety washed over her.

"Actually, I'm not so sure this is a good idea." She pressed send, feeling the weight of the words as they left her fingertips.

"What do you mean?" Aiden replied almost instantly, a tinge of concern hidden within the brief message.

"Look, Aiden. I really appreciate your support and everything, but we're talking about hanging out alone at your place. Aren't you worried how it might look? You're Mason's best friend, and I don't want to complicate things any further," Lucy explained, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke the truth that had been buried deep within her.

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