A Magic Crystal

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Swan's wrist communicator starts beeping. "Excuse me for a minute." She said. "Take your time." Said Schaefer. Swan walks to the park across the street from Schaefer's house so she's out of earshot.

"Amanda, do you read me? Come in!" Said Superman. "I read you, Superman, over." Said Swan. "Good, where are you?" Superman asked. "First off, are Batman and Wonder Woman with you?" Swan asked. "Yes they are." Said Superman. "Alright, you three, this is gonna be hard to believe, so listen up." Said Swan. "Go on." Said Batman. "I'm in the 21st century, the year 2023." Swan said. "Great Hera! How in the world did you wind up there?!" Asked Wonder Woman in shock. "I was grabbing a drink from the refrigerator, but I bumped my head. The impact was so strong, I passed out. Then when I woke up, the scenery was different." Said Swan.

"This is more serious than we thought." Superman said. "How will you get back?" Batman asked. "The only sure way is to bump my head on something else, but I don't think that's gonna be possible this time." Swan said. "There has to be some other way, Paul is worried sick." Wonder Woman said. "He has every right to be. Anyway, if you think of anything, let me know." Said Swan. "You got it! Over and out." Said Superman. The line disconnects, then Swan walks back over to Schaefer.

"Not that I was eavesdropping, but have you figured out a way to get home?" Schaefer asked. "Not yet." Swan said. "Oh. In the meantime, why don't you come into my house?" Asked Schaefer. "Wait! What if your parents see me?" Asked Swan worriedly. "Relax, they aren't home right now, neither is my brother." Schaefer said.

Although Swan was a bit hesitant to enter Schaefer's home, she walks in anyway.


The three superheroes walk back over to Paul. "Well?" He asked. "The good news is, we were able to get a hold of Amanda." Said Wonder Woman. "There's bad news too, isn't there?" Asked Paul. "Unfortunately, yes. Amanda isn't anywhere around here." Said Batman. "Then where is she?" Paul asked.

A moment of silence occurs. "Your wife is stuck in the 21st century." Superman said. Paul gasps. "How can that be?!" He asked worriedly. "She bumped her head while grabbing a drink, then when she woke up, the whole scenery was different." Wonder Woman said.

Batman notices a shining object in Paul's hand. "Paul, where did you get that?" Batman asked. "I just found it on the ground. When I touched it, it started to glow." Said Paul. "It's not kryptonite, is it?" Asked Superman. "Pardon?" Paul asked.

Superman takes Paul aside. "Allow me to explain a little something to you. I come from the planet, Krypton, but I grew up on earth. Although I'm called a Kryptonian, I can't go anywhere near kryptonite, because it weakens me." Superman said. "That doesn't make sense!" Said Paul. "I know it doesn't make sense, but it's unfortunately true." Said Superman. "Gosh, I had no idea. I'm sorry, Superman." Paul said. "Don't be. I never told you in the past, but at least you know now." Superman said as he put his hand on Paul's shoulder.

"Anyway, to answer your question, it's not kryptonite." Said Paul. Batman and Wonder Woman approach the two. "Now, Paul, you said you found that thing on the ground, and it started glowing when you touched it?" Asked Batman. "That's right." Paul said. "It must be magic or something." Said Wonder Woman. "Wait, look at its shape." Said Superman.

Paul examines the object some more. "It's teardrop shaped. Hold the phone, I remember seeing something like this one day! It's a magic crystal!" He said. "You better put that in a safe place, it might come in handy." Wonder Woman said. Paul nods and puts the crystal in his pocket.

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