Chapter 8:Rescuing☆(2)

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"Let go of him...if you wanna live."

Jisung's pov:

"Oh c'mon, you can't do anything! If you dare to move or fight me i will shot his head." He replied as he add an evil laugh

"Who said i will be the one fighting you?" I replied with a smirk.

"What do you mea-"

His words got cut out when Minho came behind him and put a knife on his neck. He let go of Chan and i catch him, i could see the Alpha sweating

"Don't you even dare to hurt him. We kill you." Minho said coldly

"Y-You're just a Beta!! I'm an Alpha, i'm strong-"

Before he could finish his words, Seungmin choke him and Minho tied him into the chair.

"Now listen here you bitch. Never mess with our lives again, don't you ever dare to hurt one of us. I wanna kill you now but someone has a special greeting for you." Seungmin said adding an evil grin

I came towards him and kick him hard on the stomach, he whimpered because of the pain. Heh, deserve. I grab my gun and before i shot him, i ask

"Any last words bitch?"

"Y-You won't k-kill me righ-"

I immediately shot him before he could finish his words. He's just wasting my time, just than i heard Felix shouted

"Guys..Chan's head is bleeding so much right now!! We must go to the hospital asap!!"

I turned around and pick up Chan, i brought him to my car and everyone followed. It took us 30 minutes to search for a hospital..god please tell me he's alive!!

We arrived and the nurse took him to the emergency room. My eyes were watering while i wait for Chan on the waiting room. Changbin and Felix tried to calm me down, Minho and Seungmin were worried..Jeongin and Hyunjin tried to calm theirselves down..

After a while the doctor came out and tell us news about Chan

"It's such a coincidence that you brought him here JUST in time. He wouldn't be alive if you brought him here late. He's doing fine for now but he's not awake yet, also his head got a huge scar on the back. Let's just hope it wouldn't make him lose his memories.."

I looked at the doctor with horror on my face, the rest of my friends wouldn't believe the things he just said..i'am so stressed now..ugh.

"Don't be sad, there will be only 10% of chance that he might lose his memories and 90% he will not. But overall, you should be worried about his scars, bruises etc because it's so badly injured." least there will be only 10% of chance he might lose his memories..but still..if i'am not reckless he wouldn't be in this condition right now.. i ask the doctor if we could see Chan and he said yes but don't be too loud.

We came into Chan's room, when i saw my beautiful boyfriend have a bandage around his head, legs, body, hands, shoulders, IV's on his hand and still isn't heart broke into pieces.. he just look so hurt and messed up right now.. i wish i can hug him and kiss him right now..

I hold his hand and said

"Chan..i-i'm so sorry. I failed to protect you. I'm so useless." As tears rolling down my cheeks

The others just look at me with a sad face, they feel sympathy. After an hour, we left the hospital because Chan still isn't awake.

For 1 week, i can't sleep and i didn't feel like eating. It just felt really different without Chan..the surroundings, everything. The others were worried about me since i didn't sleep or eat much this entire week.

" should eat, Chan wouldn't be happy if he finds you not eating.." Said Jeongin feeling concerned

I didn't say a word and goes straight up into my room, i just depressed right now.

The next day, i got a call from a unknown number. I pick up the phone

"Hello, is this Han Jisung?"

"Yes it's me, how can i help?"

"I'm the doctor that treated a patient name Bang Chan at Seoul Hospital. Unfortunately, i have some news for you."

Wait..Chan..? I hope it's not a bad news..

"Oh- Chan..? Doctor what happened to him?"

"I have some good news, he's awake. You can see him now or later"

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for the good news doc!"

I immediately hung up and go downstairs to tell the others, they were screaming with joy! All of us dress up and go to the hospital

After we arrived, i came into Chan's room and he was so happy to see me

"Hannie!!~" He said as he open his arms so i could hug him

I ran to him and we hug, and finally i can feel my cute boyfriend hug again!

"Channie, i'm so worried about you!! I'm so sorry i couldn't protect you" I said while still hugging him not letting him go

"Hannie, don't worry about me! I'm strong okay? Also you didn't fail to protect me:)" He said pulling away from the hug and add a smile

"Chann~!! I miss you so much!!" Said Felix and than hug him

"I miss you too Lixie~" He replied and hug him back

"Thank goodnes you're awake Chan! Jisung wouldn't sleep or eat without you beside him-" Said Minho

Chan looked at me worried, he than hit me teasingly as he said

"You moron! Why won't you sleep or eat anything!?"

"I'm sorry~~ but it just felt so different without you babyy:("

He put his palm on his forehead and shake his head, we all talked and make jokes, Chan still can't go home yet so he have to stay here for another night. He whined and say

"Noo~~ but i wanna cuddle with you babyy:(("

I chuckled and said

"Don't worry baby, just for another night okay? After that we can cuddle everytime you want~"

He giggled softly and say okay~



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