Looking out of Cerulean Eyes

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Hi everybody! Due to my supreme writers block on my WOWP story, it's made me work a lot better on other stories! This is an original idea I thought of one day, so I hope you enjoy reading this!


I never knew how much you can hurt when realizing what you can't have is the one thing you want most in life. Now, I don't mean if you're walking down town and you see a Bakers. You know how peckish you are at that moment so you dig through your pockets trying to find the greens but it turns out you didn't have any. Because you can live without that. Besides, you can just go home and get some money, or just get some money from your bank if you were in a high street. I mean something sentimental, something that can't be bought, something that has a true value to you. Trying to refrain from using the term love here, but that is the way to describe it.

But, the thing is, I just don't see it as love. When I look at her, I don't think, "I love this girl." Instead, I think, "this girl is my best friend." Being honest though, I'm pretty sure everyone else sees it as love, I'm just being quite stubborn about it, because I just don't want to admit it!

Oh, you're horribly confused, have no idea what's going on and want to know? Or you do know what's going on, but you just want to know how I got in this situation and how I fell in love with her? Prepared to be enlightened.

I just want to let you know about my possible appearence. I'd rather not tell you, I'd like you to think of my apearrence. You can think of me as looking stunning and amazing but just a lack of courage around strangers, or think of me looking like a complete loner and failure with a lack of courage around strangers. It's up to you, I'm not forcing you to think anything.

I briskly stood in the coffee line, waiting to get my hands on a warm cup of caffine filled coffee to fill me up with the energy I'd lacked these past few days. It wasn't snowing or anything like that, it was the wind that just kept blowing and blowing cold air towards us unfortunete humans.

Sadly, it was a long line. It was also very quiet, which I found very wierd but mostly awkward. I then felt the presence of someone behind me.

'Great, the line just gets bigger and bigger. I woudn't be suprised if the line lead out of the door.'

But then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around abrutley, annoyed that someone would do such a thing.

"Hey, I like your coat," the person, who was a girl, had said to me, her intentions seeming polite enough.

I felt a pang of guilt jolt in me, for I thought this girl was to tap me just to tick me off. I suffered slight anxiety, so my wording when talking to her was studdered, "thank you, hehe."

It was obvious she realized how huge the line really was so she started making conversation to pass the time. That was the logical reason of why she spoke to me. What other reason would a stranger just talk to another stranger for?

The conversation went downhill from there though, as no one spoke for a good five to eight minutes.

I decided to speak up, despite my nervousness, "so, uh, coffee... You... er, like it?"

I could hear her laughing slightly, before answering, "yep, sure do."

Sorry, I forgot to even describe her appearence to you yet. She had deep, chestnut brown hair and her long bangs were neatly tucked behind her ears. A few strands of her hair fell infront of her ears and half her hair was up, half was down. Her eyes shone quite brightly despite the lack of strong lighting in the shop and they were a delicate but rich shade of hazel. And to be honest with you, not to be a perv or anything, but she looked so beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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