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Louis was so zoned out in his own world he didn't even realise Zayn had come out until he clears his throat startling the boy. "Fuck.."

He takes a long drag of his cig looking Zayn up and down "What do you want? Gunna go run inside and tell my so-called fucking daddy that I'm out here smoking so he can come and hit me again?" He raises an eyebrow chuckling unhumoursly.

"No I'm not going to go tell him, plus he isn't here he's gone to go buy you some clothes, look..." Zayn slowly walks towards him.

"Don't come any closer or ill jump!"

"Okay.." Zayn stays where he is. "look, just give him a chance okay? I know this is hard but it's only in your best interest"

"How do you know how hard it is?! Have you ever been randomly kidnapped on your way home from work? I need to go home back to my family.."

"home? Do you mean the one-bedroom apartment you live in? the place where you sleep on an old mattress on the floor? the place that has no heating or electricity? your family as in your dead mother and your abusive alcoholic father?"

Louis looks at him "How do you know that?" He frowns shaking his head.

"There's a lot we know about you kiddo, but I promise you your safe here okay? Can I?" He gestures towards him.

Louis nods slowly.

Zayn smiles softly walking towards him with his hand out.

"no! You're not taking my cigs there mine!"

"I know there yours I only want one" Zayn chuckles.

Louis nods handing him one lighting up another one for himself before passing him the lighter.

Zayn leans against the railing lighting up his cig taking a long drag. "Look just give him a chance okay? He cares for you"

"Cares for me? He hit me earlier that's not caring for someone"

"He was punishing you for misbehaving there's a difference. Look don't tell him I told you but haz he's a real softie deep down and if you just open up to him you will see a different side to him"

Louis nods looking down thinking.

He guesses he could humour them for a while until the police find him, at least it's warm and he has an actual bed and food.

It's something, right?

"C'mon let's go get you some lunch hm? I bet you are starving as you didn't eat your breakfast?"

"Because avocado is fucking gross"  He screws his face up in utter disgust.

Zayn chuckles softly "cmon I won't make you no avocado don't worry"

They head inside but Louis stops outside the bedroom "Ama just nip to the toilet.."

Zayn nods going downstairs.

Louis goes into the bedroom and hides his cigs and lighter before grabbing his phone and turning it on messaging his only friend oli 'Oli you have to help me, please. don't call me because then they will know I have my phone, I've been kidnapped all I know is their names are harry zayn and Liam I'm not sure where I am but please contact the police to try to find me'


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