the long awaited... Romans POV

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This takes place after Arouras dream  


"Where is it?" I snarled as I pulled the sobak (dogs) hair and lifted his bloodied face close to mine. The pathetic necromancers lip quivered as he shook his head "I'll never tell you" his voice came out shaky as closed his eyes. 

Kill him 

The familiar deep voice echoed in my head, a smile planted on my lips " choroso, the khochesh igrat. ya boudou igrat" (okay you want to play. I'll play.) My teeth sharped as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, fear. That's all I could smell, a smell we revelled in.  I opened them and lazily looked back down at the necromancer who had his eyes shut, his body shook with fear when I let his hair and placed both of my hands on sides of his face and used my thumbs to force his eyes open. 

Bloodshot eyes stared back at me as I began to put pressure on the sides of his face "odin" (One) I counted as the voices in my head goaded me to carry out this punishment. 

Sdelay eto ( do it) 

Razmyat emu golov ( smash his head) 

Pust krov lietsa iz konchikov vashikh paltsev (let the blood pour from your fingertips) 

The man opened his mouth and let out a series of painful moans as he tried to move away from me, anger blasted into my system as I held on tighter, I could feel his skull almost giving away as his eyes rolled back .

"he smeesh pytatsya bezhat? pomeshay mne naiti to, chto moe?" (You dare try to run? stop me from finding what's mine?) my blood was pumping hard around my body, my thought consumed by one thing alone. 

To find Aroura, and this fucker is stopping me "St-op I'-ll tell you" The man wheezed as a let go of his face and let him fall back onto the floor with a loud thud. My lips twitched as I watched the man scramble to breath. I moved to sit on a chair, I leaned forward, the heavy armour clinked as I put my elbows on my knees "eto bylo nay slozno, nay thuck lee." (that wasn't hard was it.) I tutted and leaned back and moved my head "go" 

The necromancer chocked on his breath as he scurried off the floor, I closed my eyes for a second as the voices became louder and louder in head each time, demanding I find what belong to us, kill whoever we need to, take what we want nothing matters until I have her.

My hands formed into a fist as the last image I have of her disappearing into that portal came into my mind, and how she fucking willingly walked away from. No away from us. Screaming could be heard from outside, helpless, pleading for the lives as Ivan and Stravos spared no mercy to no one as the screaming was cut short.  A familiar howl echoed into the night, the air filled with death, the grounds painted red with thick blood. 

delo sdelano, bratt  (It's done brother) Ivans voice whispered in my ear as I watched the necromancer limp towards me with the black glass ball. I slowly stood up, as I stared at the ball, towering over the pathetic thing I held out my palm with shaky hands the man let the ball fall into my palm. 

I licked my lips in anticipation, finally. My muscles tensed as I rolled my shoulders back and used my teeth to draw some blood from my hand, the pain failed to register as I bit hard and let the blood fall onto the glass ball. 

"This will open the portal" my words were rough as nothing happened. My muscles bunched up in anger this was supposed to work .   I looked back at the man with crazed eyes, the man flinched and held up his hands "You- wait it will work" the mans voice trembled. 

The witch the helped Aurora, Summer and Natalia escape was clever, but not clever enough. She got too cocky thinking that her magic was the only way to open the portal and that I would need her.  I watched the thick blood slowly trip from the smooth circle to the floor,  but I don't. I've been alive a lot longer than this witch, I was there when the original poral door was created, I was there when it was split. A low glow came from my hands, as the man started to move away. 


A dark smile lifted on my lips, there's more than one way of getting into this fucking place and this is just one of them. The man let out a yelp as he bumped into Ivan, Ivan was wearing white- well what used to be white military like clothing. He did this on purpose, he wanted to be painted in red, watch people fear him and pray that he doesn't come for them next. 

Ivan's emotionless face had streaks of blood as he lifted the man by his neck, the necromancers face went red as his feet moved frantically to touch the floor. His hand went over Ivan's as he tried to breath. Ivan shook his head "gryazny klahn" (filthy clan) he snarled as he moved his face directly in front of the chocking man "my vidim vse" (We see everything) Ivan wasted no time and snapped the mans neck, his body immediately went limp as Ivan threw his body across the room and looked at the glowing ball in my hands. 

For the first time, a smile appeared on his lips and I nodded as Stravos walked into the room in his bloodied hands, the lead mages head fell to the floor with a thud. I watched as the head rolled away from us "litzemeri" (Hypocrites) Stravos snarled, this clan fakes acts of kindness and false sense of security when really people should be hiding from them. They take advantage of the poor and use them as blood  scarifies to their god, doing nothing but evil under the guise of being a pious clan to follow. 

menia toshnit (it makes me sick) 

Stravos stared at the ball as he walked closer, his eyes hazed with nothing but pure determination as all three of us touched the ball. A blinding light rippled in front of us and like a crack the portal slowly began to open.

"davaite poluchim to, chto prinadlejite nam" (let's get what belongs to us) I gripped the ball as I let my head tilt to the side and a dark smile paint my lips. 

And when I get Aurora, I'll do whatever it takes to keep her by side. 

I took one step into the other side, whatever it takes. 

Both Ivan and Stravos let out a howl as darkness surrounded us all.

You will come to us. 


Erm not really sure how I feel about this, felt slightly strange to write it from Romans POV. 


Last thing I want to do is confuse everyone, so if its tooo confusing I'l take this down ~ 

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