Paths Diverge

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"Uhm, I have to go talk to McGonagall for something, bye guys" Harry went away

Entering McGonagall's office, Harry found the headmistress engrossed in paperwork. She looked up, her stern expression softening as she saw Harry. "Mr. Potter, what can I do for you?"

Harry took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Professor McGonagall, I wanted to discuss something regarding the living arrangements. I've been considering... changing my choice of roommate."

McGonagall raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Oh? And who were you planning to room with originally?"

"Ron but he is staying with Hermione and two 4th years asked for me to stay" Harry replied.

 "That's good, you can stay with one of them if you please"

"No, I was thinking of staying with Neville but now I think... I would like to room with Draco Malfoy."

The headmistress's eyes widened in surprise. "Mr. Malfoy? Are you certain about this decision, Mr. Potter? You two have had a rather turbulent history."(IDK IF YA'LL KNOW BUT I REMEMBER THE WORD TURBULENT FROM 'TURBULENCE' FROM 'KINNPORSCHE THE SERIES' ITS A BL OFC)

Harry nodded. "I know, Professor. But lately, things have been different. I can't explain it, but there's something that has changed between us. I believe we both deserve a chance to move past our past and start anew."

McGonagall studied Harry intently, her gaze assessing. After a moment of silence, she nodded slowly. "Very well, Mr. Potter. If both you and Mr. Malfoy are in agreement, I see no reason to deny your request plus it is all of your personal choice, I have no right to decline this request"

"Yes but I came here to ask if you could ask Malfoy to share the room with me as I don't have the guts to talk to him"

McGonagall leaned back in her chair, considering Harry's request. "I understand your hesitation, Mr. Potter. I will speak to Mr. Malfoy on your behalf and discuss the possibility of rooming together. However, I must remind you that the final decision lies with him."

Harry nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate your help."

McGonagall stood up from her desk and walked over to a cabinet, retrieving a quill and parchment. She quickly scribbled a note, folded it, and handed it to Harry. "Take this to Mr. Malfoy and inform him of our conversation. I trust he will give it due consideration."

Harry took the note and tucked it into his pocket. "I'll deliver it right away, Professor. Thank you again."

With a nod, McGonagall returned to her paperwork, signaling the end of their conversation. Harry left her office and made his way back to outside of the great hall

As Harry walked through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts, his thoughts swirled with anticipation. He knew delivering the note to Draco would be the real test. There was a part of him that hoped Draco would agree to room with him, to give them a chance at a fresh start. But he also knew that their history was filled with deep-seated animosity, and Draco might not be ready to let go of the past.

Finding Draco was relatively easy, as he spotted him standing near a group of Slytherin students in the entrance hall. Harry approached him cautiously, his heart pounding in his chest. "Malfoy," he called out, trying to catch the blond wizard's attention.

Draco turned to face Harry, his gaze filled with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "Potter," he acknowledged, his voice guarded.

Harry took a deep breath, summoning his Gryffindor courage. "I spoke with McGonagall," he began, his voice steady but filled with sincerity. "I asked her if we could be roommates, but she reminded me that the decision ultimately lies with you."

Draco's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You want to room with me? After everything?"

Harry nodded, holding Draco's gaze. "Yes, I know it's unexpected, but I believe people can change. I believe we can change. We don't have to be defined by our past. We deserve a chance to move forward, to try and understand each other."

Draco's guarded expression softened for a moment, but then a cloud of uncertainty crossed his face. "Potter, I appreciate your... sentiment. But we've spent years hating each other. I don't know if I can simply forget that."

Harry's heart sank, but he understood Draco's reservations. He had hoped for a different response, but he couldn't force Draco to change his mind. "I understand, Malfoy. It was a long shot, but I wanted to try. If you're not ready, I respect that."

Draco's gaze lingered on Harry for a moment, and then he sighed. "Potter, it's not that I don't want to change. It's just... it's going to take time. I don't know if sharing a room right now would be the best idea. We both have our own demons to face."

Harry was going to speak something but another voice spoke from Draco's behind "You would certainly be considered coward if you are ready to share with Harry" It was Ron

"Stop it Ron" Harry mumbled

"I am not here to pick up a fight but if you insist, I will go back to being the Draco Malfoy of 3rd and 4th years plus I'm not sharing anyways" Draco put up a stern eye contact with Ron 

Harry turned his attention back to Draco, a determined look on his face. "Draco, I'm not asking you to forget everything that's happened between us. I'm asking for an opportunity to start anew, to build something better. Sharing a room may be too much right now, but can we at least try to be civil? We can work towards friendship, one step at a time."

Draco laughed "You really believe that's possible?"

"Yes I do, cause everyone deserves another chance and you're no exception" 

Ron did not like whatever Harry said to Draco "Harry how are you choosing this stupid person in front of me? I'm your best friend, listen to me for once, he can never change!"

"See, I told you, I can never change so there's no reason to share a dorm with me" Draco walked away, Harry was going to go after him but Ron stopped him. "Stay with us until you find a better roommate" Harry took a last look at Draco before walking away

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