Chapter 5: Cold Wind

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Hasn't even been a month since I started at this school, and got myself a detention. Mr. Park, the chemistry teacher, tasked me with rearranging an entire section of the library. Hate him for giving such a detention for being just ten minutes late. It's been three long hours, and I'm struggling to make any progress.

This cost me my part-time job for the day. My manager, a complete hotheaded guy, maybe would likely cut some money my pay this month. All because of Jungkook, no wonder why I hate him with every fiber of my body.

One thing that Jungkook seems to be the darling of all the teachers. Everyone hangs on his every word, like Mr. Park assigned me to this thing because that jerk informed him about it, knowing full well that no one would question Jungkook's Idea.

I was lost in thought when a strange noise snapped me back to reality. It was like something was being dragged. "What in the world?" I muttered, shifting my focus from the books to the library window. I checked my phone, which was at a mere 10%, and it was nearly 8 pm. I didn't even finish my assignments, though I'm pretty certain that, except for Jungkook, nobody else has even started. But then again, it's Jungkook whom I wanna beat.

An odd sound grabbed my attention again. a male voice, soothing and deep, as though someone else Is in the library with me. I was sensing a weird feeling , and I shook it off. There's nothing to be afraid of; I'm the only one here.

But then, I heard it again.


"Who's there?" I said, gripping a book tightly as my weapon. "Stop playing games and show yourself"I yelled again, but there was no response.

I began searching for my bag, which I'm sure I had left on the table. But to my shock, it wasn't there. Panic set in, but then I remembered Miso was with me after school. She might know what happened.

"Hello, Miso?" I said.

"Yeah, Y/N, what's up?" she replied.

"I'm still in the school, and I called because I can't find my bag. Did you take it or something?" I asked.

"What? Why are you still at school, and why would I take your bag?" she replied.

"You didn't?" I said.

"Of course not," she confirmed.

"Really? I'm not in the mood for jokes, Miso," I replied In frustration.

"I swear, I didn't do anything this time," Miso assured me.

But before she could say more, my phone died.

I turned and heard the sound again, this time more pronounced. I couldn't ignore it any longer. I walked cautiously toward the door, only to find that it's locked from the outside.

"Hello! Is someone there? Open the door!" I yelled.

But the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness. Fear started to take a hold of me now. I can't even explain the creepy vibe.

Then, I heard a voice from the dark side of the library.

The voice is chilling. "What the hell!" I yelled.

But then the lights flickered back on, revealing Jungkook standing there, laughing.

"Jungkook?" I said. "Are you seriously laughing? Do you find this funny? I was about to fucking cry" I yelled.

"Hey, chill, Y/N. I was just joking," he said, trying to defuse the situation.

"I got detention because you chose not to help me, and now this? What's your problem with me?" I spat, my anger growing more.

"Look,I didn't mean to—" Jungkook couldn't finish.

"I don't want your explanations. Can you just open the door?" I interrupted, impatient and eager to escape his presence.

"Fine, you can think whatever you want, and I wasn't trying to explain anything. I don't need to answer anything to you," he muttered, unlocking the door. He looked amused, and I couldn't stand to be near him any longer.

"Frustrating bastard," I muttered as I left him behind.

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