Fantasmical Character

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Name: Elyn Tusit

Elyn (meaning): "shining light," "torch," or "ray."

Tusit (meaning): "joyful," and "freedom lover." (Taken from the longer name Tusitala that means crafter of stories.)

Age: 17

Gender: Female (she/her)

Ethnicity: An'Carysh

The An'Carysh live in a desert region which is heavily populated. While the An'Caryshs' large cities are situated by the coast where trade with foreign regions flourishes, small settlements and villages are scatted throughout the desert. The villages are led by a small group of chosen Elders (as are the cities). The region itself has no single leader. Rather, then An'Carysh communities act as independent units.

The An'Carysh have a close relationship with the natural environment and respect all life as they understand it is hard for things to grow in the desert. Moreover, due to the harsh nature of their climate, they have limited crops and live-stock and so make daily offerings to their deities (Xeina - the Mother Goddess, and Rthenic - the Father God) for continued agricultural success and prosperity.

A colourful and vibrant people, the An'Carysh enjoy vibrant musical festivals in honour of their deities (Xeina and Rthenic). At these festivals, they will sing and dance, then hold large community gatherings where they will tell stories and tales of ancestors, great heroes, and mythological creators.

Ancestry: Elyn is a member of the Sa'Kynr village that lies to the north of the An'Carysh desert.

It is a small village with only a few families present. As per An'Carysh traditions, she has a large family consisting of six brothers, her mother, and her father. They stay together in one family home. Her grandmother, who is an Elder for their village, also stays in the village, along with her uncle and aunt (on her mother's side).

While Elyn's parents are proud goat farmers and the majority of her brothers are more than happy to continue the family business, her great grandfather was a priest for Rthenic in one of the largest cities by the coast. His name is well known throughout the desert.

Physical Attributes: Dark hair (long, curled), hooded eyes (heterochromia: right eye - green, left eye - brown), downward-turned lips, dark skin, birth mark on left palm (oddly shaped "blotch"), average height, slender build (spends a lot of time outdoors doing physical tasks, traveling on foot but with simple diet).

Education: Elyn attended a small school in her village that consisted of herself and six other children (including her youngest brother). When she was 15, she stopped school and started working on the farm with her family. Her parents and elder siblings continue to teach her various other skills (such as advancing her reading, cooking, and writing).

Career: Bead Collector

Elyn collects beads which  her mother uses to craft necklaces, bracelets, belts, and earrings. Her job often requires her to travel from village to village (sometimes alone, sometimes with a companion), to find special beads that are connected to stories.

Not only does her career follow in the traditions of her people, but the jewellery that her mother later crafts is enchanted - the items retain stories that are kept within the beads that Elyn seeks out and collects. Elyn is still learning how to make the jewellery herself, so her primary job is to collect the beads (rather than to collect and forge).

Personality: Curious, reserved around others (but extroverted around family), impulsive, open(ness), brave and daring, optimistic, a little naïve due to her age, energetic, and always willing to take on a new challenge. Has an obsession for detail and finding features of things which others may have overlooked - she then loves sharing the things she finds with people who she admires/likes/trusts.

Quirks: Makes "humming" noses/small sounds to herself when she is thinking or focusing on things (subconsciously). Always uses wild hand movements when she gets excited about something she is talking about.

Skills: Jewellery crafting, animal handling, (some) farming, celestial navigation.

Interests: Myths and historical stories, jewellery crafting and enchantments, travelling.

Hobbies: Reading, collecting scrolls, jewellery crafting, walking the lands outside her village, spending time with family (particularly with her youngest brother, as they are very close) and playing dice games with friends/family.

Likes: Animals, stories and history, vegetarian foods, traveling, learning languages, astrology.

Dislikes: Eating meat, being stuck inside/trapped in one place, sewing and weaving.

Strengths: Elyn is very self-motivated and does not let the words of others drag her down. She always keeps her head high and is particularly good at finding the "bright side" in difficult situations. Has a fantastic memory for stories.

Weaknesses: Is terrible at waiting around (she will often rush into things as she would prefer to do something wrong rather than wait a long while for proper instructions). Is easily distracted by new interests.

Fears: Losing her way back home/back to her family, being trapped in the dark.

Aversions: Narrow spaces that lead to unknown places, large crowds.

Other Abilities: Elyn has been trained how to use a dagger to defend herself by her father (limited self-defence). Can speak many languages (which help her to complete her job of gathering beads from other villages/places), and is good at identifying edible plants.

Special Powers: Has the ability to weave (simple) jewellery together with strings of enchanted beads, can summon stories from beads (through uttering incantations). Currently learning how to craft beads from scratch that will allow her to trap her own stories within them.

 Currently learning how to craft beads from scratch that will allow her to trap her own stories within them

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