Chapter 2 Shipment

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In what felt like for ever being in that room not knowing what was going to happen next, the same line going through my head over and over again what that Aunt Mabel said you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow thinking of what that could mean, listening to the other girls and women making up assumptions of what was happening made me feel like I was going a little crazy. I did not speak a word to any of them but the idea of escaping is what I really need to try and focus on. All I want right now is to be at home with my girls and for my husbands arms to be wrapped around me!.

I heard a key in the door and in walked Aunt Mabel "Morning ladies, I hope you all rested well and managed to eat, today your training starts I will be speaking to you individually so that I can get to know you better, I expect you to put your wings on when leaving this room". "What are wings?" One of the ladies asked. "Your Hat, that's what we call them wings". I couldn't help but frown at the name. "Right, I'm going to do this in alphabetical order Angela follow me please". One of the elder ladies I'd say in her mid thirties stood up and went to follow Aunt Mabel but she didn't move. "Are you forgetting something?" Aunt Mabel asked in a stern voice. "Oh my hat" the lady went to get get her hat when Aunt Mabel reached down and grabbed the woman's arm forcefully. "Wings, NOT hat" she shouted. The lady put her head down and apologised and followed Mabel out of the door.

Around half an hour later Mabel walked back in calling Beatrice then Erica then Francis and so on every half an hour or so she would come in and call another name but the women never came back into the room, I couldn't help but wonder where they had gone, this was also on the minds of the others that were still in the room. I knew I didn't have much longer left until I get to the bottom of what's happening and can finally find out more of what this is all about. Mabel comes back into the room Jenny, I stand up put on my wings and follow her outside the door, down a long corridor and into another room that is set up like an office with a large brown desk stacked with folders, two chairs, a Filing cabinet and a single bed! She must live here I thought.

She notice me looking around the room then gave me a slight smile. "So Jenny I've looked through your folder and see that you have already got two daughters, you had them naturally and have had no miscarriages or stillborns babies is that correct?". I look up at her "can I ask why I'm hear and why your asking these questions?", "I will explain more later my dear, now if you can just answer yes or no we can move forward quickly with this", "Yes I have two daughter at home with my husband, I've never miscarried or had any stillborns". Mabel looks over at me and smiles. "Perfect thank you, I shall be back in a second I'm just going to call the doctor in to check you over to make sure your healthy, if you can lay on the bed this won't take too long". She stares at me waiting for me to move onto the bed, I'm un sure about this and get an un easy feeling, but worry because of what happened to that girl for not doing as she was asked, I slowly get up and lay on the small bed. "Good girl, I won't be long".

After a couple of minutes Mabel walks in with a lady wearing a doctors white jacket. The doctor smiles at me and checks my temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. "I just need to check your body for any bruises". She starts examining me "roll over onto your side, facing the wall" I do as I'm asked then out of nowhere I feel a sharp prick in my neck and instantly put my hand there "ouch, what was that?" I asked. "You will be fine it's just to help you relax" she replies. My vision starts to go blurry and I start to panic "no, no what's happening I don't feel well can someone help me" minutes later I can't fight it no more, my eyes completely black out and I fall into a heavy sleep!.

"This one is good to go, container number three Mabel says to the guards"........

Hey guys
Short chapter I know, how is everyone today? Hope you all have a fab day don't forget to comment and vote ❤️🥰

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