Chapter Five

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I thought Santa intended to give us some sort of briefing but Tim seemed to be the representative.

No complaints from me.

We started out slow, inexperienced and honestly a little rough. But then Anna started getting really excited, trying to stuff clouds in her pocket as souvenirs to show off later.

Well look who is enjoying herself...

"Who would've thought? You looked like you might throw up and then claw your eyes out when you heard we were on gift delivery. Now look at you, making shapes with clouds, is that....Is that a frog?" I said to Anna, looking really bewildered might I add.

"First of all, I looked just fine, and a frog? That's you Charlie! I was trying to make a statue of you so the world will remember this day!" Anna looked offended, I seriously believe I should be the one offended. It looked like a dead frog.

Reaching out, I hastily waved my hands all over the place, trying to get rid of that horrible image and Anna leaped forward to stop me.

"Can you stop that? I put a lot of effort in it!" She tugged my hand.

"Imagine if you didn't make any effort then, It would look like a starved homeless frog! Homeless Anna! And I have a mother, she loves me very much thank you!" I added.

"A lot of people love you Charlie, at least you recognize the one coming from your mother!" Anna yelled, and then placed her hand over her mouth like she didn't mean to say that out loud.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Nothing! Forget I said that, want some sandwiches? I'm hungry. I babble when I'm hungry."

Not waiting for a reply, she reached for my bag and searched for the sandwiches mom made sure to add. And then I noticed we seemed to be descending, when we definitely shouldn't be doing that already.

"Hey Anna, can you bring a pouchof dust, it seems the reindeers are tired and we aren't even close to the portal yet, according to the compass at least." I reached for the reindeers and slowly patted their backs one after the other, it seemed to bring them some sort of comfort.

"Here!" Anna replied, holding up a pouch of dust that'll be sure to wake the reindeers up. Shuffling from one feet to the other, she looked like she had something to say.

"Spit it out Anna." I rolled my eyes.

"Can I do it? Please? I really want to do it."

It wasn't a big deal to me and I gestured for her to go ahead.

Squealing and hurriedly loosening the pouch, she leaned towards the reindeers and I hurriedly added.

"Just a handful will do the trick Anna... you don—"

"Sometime you treat me like a child Charlie and it's embarrassing, I've been in the factory all my life, just like you, I know everyt—"

It happened in slow motion.

Anna was flailing her arms around, red in the face and clearly angry at me. Her right arm holding the pouch was closer to the reindeer and her elbow sharply hit the carriage. She yelled in pain and dropped the already opened pouch.

Blue Dust.

How did that happen? Gold dust helped
the reindeers to go more faster, but blue dust. Blue dust made them sleepy. Was this Tim's doing? Was he really jealous of us that he jeopardized gift delivery? I had a hundred questions at the same time but who could answer them?

It was quiet for about thirty seconds, it felt like more. But it couldn't be. Suddenly we were going down, fast.

The sound of Anna crying snapped me out shock and I reached out to her, tugging her closer and using my body as a shield for hers.

We were going to die.

I was going to die.

Well shit.

I kept mumbling encouraging words to Anna that even I didn't believe. And then when we were closer to the ground, I pressed a kiss to her forehead and silently appreciated her friendship, even when I never deserved it.

We crashed, my side hurt, my ears felt like it was ringing and my last thought before it all went dark was,


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