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….Phee likes spending time with me..” Sky asked in a tiny voice.


Both avoided looking at each other, Sky's face was red while PraPai tried his best to contain his emotions before Sky blurted out, “Sky likes being with Phee too…”

“That’s a relief…” PraPai said with a smile while Sky nervously bit his lips to stop himself from saying something that he might regret.

“We can eat at a restaurant..” PraPai told Sky who was lost in his thoughts, Sky’s heart kept shouting at him to confess to PraPai as this was the best moment while his brain told him to keep his mouth shut.

Sky was divided between his brain and heart, he didn’t hear a single thing that PraPai was saying. PraPai looks at Sky in confusion when he received no reply and found him distracted 

“Sky? N’Sky? Sky?” PraPai called Sky, he stopped the car in the corner and then shake Sky’s shoulder who finally came out of daze and looks at PraPai with wide eyes

“Sky? What’s wrong?” PraPai asked calmly as he touched Sky’s face, Sky looked at PraPai and then his hand before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

PraPai patiently waits for Sky who finally opens his eyes and looks at him with determination, “Phee, I like me.. I like you a lot…” 

There was complete silence as they stared at each other, PraPai opened his mouth but then closed it back. Sky appeared calm but his body felt cold, his heart was about to jump out of his mouth.

“I…” PraPai opens his mouth but Sky stops him, “It’s fine, I know that you’re stunned by the sudden confession. You don’t have to answer me, take your time and think before giving any answer…” 

PraPai dumbly nodded and Sky nodded too before looking towards the window, a few minutes later PraPai started the car and decided to go home directly. Meanwhile, Sky tried to calm himself. He avoided looking at PraPai though he could feel the older man’s gaze upon himself.

Later at PraPai’s house, Plerng and Phan noticed that something was off between PraPai and Sky. Sky appeared to calm and PraPai was distracted, their older would look at Sky and then look away in daze. Both Plerng and Phan shared a curious look as they wonder what was going on.

                     Sky declined PraPai’s offer to drop him off. When he reached his apartment, Sky expected it to be empty but to his surprise, Rain was there. The boy was sitting in front Tv and watching some random movie when Sky took the seat next to him.

 A few minutes passed and Sky spoke suddenly, “I confessed to P’Phai…”

“Oh…OHHH! Really?!” Rain shouted in shock, Sky nodded as Rain turned off the Tv and gave full attention to Sky. Sky groans as he buried his face in pillow and screamed before facing Rain again

“I acted all confident and confessed that I like him but I didn’t wait for his reply, told him to think carefully and then answer…” Sky told Rain who thought for a while and nodded in understanding.

“Well, it’s better! Whatever will be his reply, at least Phee will think twice before answering you…” Rain said and Sky sighs before looking towards the ceiling.

“Now I need to be calm and wait, I will be prepared for everything…” Sky said in frustration as he can’t stop negative thoughts.

Soon a week passed, Sky realised that PraPai was ignoring him. At first Sky was fine with it but now he was getting irritated. If an older man didn’t like him, he wanted PraPai to tell him that directly instead of hiding.

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