Part 5: Heather Bonham

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 There's a lot that I don't tell people. I mean, there's also a lot that I do. I tell people the convenient stuff. The stuff that I don't have to give that much information on. The little bits of gossip, the rumors. You only say a few words and people make a huge fuss. It's like pouring a tiny bit of gasoline and letting someone else drop the match. Everything ignites.

For instance, I think that Ms. Dimandi and Mr. Ba are secretly together. That probably lit the fuse. Now I'm the gossip queen of high school. How fun.

I have a place to put all the rumors, which is in other people's heads. But my personal stuff? I would never talk about that to people. That would just be dumb.

Y'know, people in this school are so dang shallow. That's why I make up plenty of what I say. Nobody has any good stuff to share, so what am I supposed to do? I gotta feed the fans somehow. They can't tell. Lies and truths taste the same.

One of the truths that I'll be keeping to myself for a while is that I'm a hacker. Like, a real one. The kind Google notifies you that they put up firewalls against. That's part of the reason I'm not letting Maddie read these.

My absolute favorite thing to do is to bug phone calls. Not just bug them, sometimes, but add myself into them without the callers noticing. If it's between a couple, I say "Can I borrow another sweatshirt?" just to hear the girl freak. It's, I swear to god, it's the best thing ever.

I don't use my hacking to start rumors though. I just lie. People don't get suspicious. Not everyone can hack. Anyone can lie. I've seen that firsthand.

I know people's secrets, so I know that they can lie. I know Jay Jagger lies about Isa Pitts. I know Jared Galpin lies about Cathy Saunders. I know Cathy Saunders lies about her own freaking sanity. This school is just a carnival of lies, and I'm at the top of the domino tower. But that's the thing about dominoes. They all fall down eventually.


My birthday was yesterday. That was nice. February first. That's what it was. I always had a love/hate relationship with being born in February. It's hard as hell to spell, and that sucks when you want to write your birthday on a form and look like you know what you're doing. Spelling was never my best subject. Computer science was.

But February is also the month of love, and that's a total boy attractor. Makes you look like a player. Also, you have more of a chance of getting roses for your birthday, what with the high flower sales.

Plus, it's the perfect distance from Christmas. I always felt like Christmas was the Big Bang, and there were a few months afterward which are sort of empty. I feel like those are the aftermath of the Big Bang. When all the little bits and pieces of universe stuff are floating through space, or whatever. I don't know. Science wasn't a good subject for me either.

But my birthday is a nice event right in the middle of it all. Like that one part where one rock latches onto another rock and makes a moon, or whatever. Something notable. Something worth talking about. Even if it's boring as hell in science class.

Our science teacher, Ms. Patch, has a way of doing that. Her classes are torture to the innocent human mind. I wish I had Mr. Way. He doesn't make me feel like I'm dying on the inside.

Oh god. My phone's ringing. It's Maddie. I need to go.

If I don't pick up Maddie's calls, she'll murder me in my sleep.

I pick up, but I don't hear any words. Just laughing. Sounds drunk. And music.

There's a star, maaaan, waiting in the sky...

a/n: no note today lol. too tired to think of smth entertaining to say

QOTD: what do you want to be when you grow up? I wanna be a wattpad writer lol. help me get there? plsss

 help me get there? plsss

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