[ butterfly ]

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wherein the king jeon jungkook left his kingdom in search for a cure for his lover but came back a little too late


topkook, bottomtae, mpreg, angst, character death, taehyung is a male but will be referred to as queen


word count: 5470


please do not read if any of the tags mentioned makes you uncomfortable


"don't think of anything, don't say anything. not even a word... just give me a smile as everything will be alright."

jeon jungkook breathes out, the memory of his lover's last words to him before he left the castle in search for a healer to cure the unknown disease that was slowly crippling away his lover's life.

a small smile made its way to his lips. although, it isn't one that reached his eyes. he can't help but then remember how his lover would always tell him how much he loved it when he smiles.

he looks up at the now turning grey sky, the soft breeze of the wind hitting his skin making him take a breath.

his palms feeling the soft grass beneath him, his dark hair lightly ruffling with the wind but was neatly kept in place by the heavy golden crown settled on the top of his head; a piece that signifies him as the most powerful man in the land — but not powerful enough to save the most precious person in his life.

his view of the dark clouds was soon blocked by a much better view, one that he would always prefer to stare at more than anything in this world - a certain brunette with hazel eyes and a wide smile looking down at him; his queen.

"what are you doing here? i've been looking all over for you." the brunette asked with a giggle, the dark haired male starring at him for a moment. "everyone's already preparing in the east wing."

"i could say the same for you, my love..." jungkook replied eyes intently on the brunette who just smiles. "why didn't you wait for me...?" he adds as the brunette now sat down beside him, the king's eyes still on him taking in every inch of his flawless face.

a gush of wind blew, the rustling of leaves the only thing heard as the king and queen stared at each other making it seem the time has stopped.

it was the brunette who first broke eye contact, a smile appearing in lips as he looked away into the distance and into the vast area of the garden.

"i believe his majesty should be in the castle for the preparations and yet i find him here in the north gardens..." the brunette instead replies with a giggle and teasing tone but the other only seemed to stare at him with another comfortable silence engulfing them once again from the lack of response.

"winter finally ended hasn't it..." the brunette murmurs as he looked out into the garden, eyes fluttering close as he took in a breath of fresh air.

spring had finally come to the entire kingdom, flowers in full bloom along with countless of butterflies of different colours flying around the garden, some even flying close to the two royals.

despite the beautiful scenery, the dark clouds had started to take up the sky, siding with the preparations and ceremony about to take place in the castle grounds.

"wah, a purple butterfly!" the brunette exclaimed as the creature was flying around him.

the brunette's soft laughter was like music to the other's ear, his eyes softening at the sight, heart longing to hear it once more.

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