1. XO

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It's always been a dream of mine to teach. So what to do? Get a job at KISS in Korea! I've heard such wonderful stories about Seoul, and I've always wanted to go there. My mum is from Korea but my dad is from Australia. My dad went to Korea to enrol in KISS, which is how he met my mum. A few years after they finished, they got married and moved back to my dad's hometown, Sydney. They had me a year later. I've been fascinated by Seoul ever since I was a young girl, my mum always telling me stories about her life there and what KISS was like. I never got the chance to go there when I was her age. And today, that all changes. I applied for a teaching job at KISS, and I got in! They want me to leave for Seoul tomorrow morning. Classes don't start for another 3 days, but they want me there early to get settled in and to meet the rest of the staff. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that my parents have no idea I have the job. I plan to tell them today. I just hope they approve.


"Mum, Dad. Can we talk?" I asked them both as I walked into the kitchen where they were "Sure hun. Everything ok?" My mum asked as her and my dad took a seat by the kitchen island."You guys remember that school you both went to in Korea?" I said as I took a seat near them."You mean KISS? Yeah, I remember it. I met your mother there, " my dad replied as he gave my mum a quick kiss. It was really sweet to see my parents' love still going strong after all these years. "Well, you guys know I've always wanted to go to Seoul. You always tell me how amazing your life there was, mum. And I actually applied for a teaching job there, " I announced. My mum had the biggest smile on her face, and my dad, on the other hand, looked a bit scared. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" My dad asked."Because I knew you'd try and talk me out of it. I want to start living my life. I love it here, I just want to expand myself. Explore new places, see new things, " I explained."I think it's a wonderful idea Y/N. Have you heard back from them?" My mum asked."I have. I received the email this morning. I'm officially a teacher at KISS. " I couldn't contain my excitement anymore. "That's amazing news, sweetheart!" My mum got up and threw her arms around me. My dad was still sitting down. "When do they want you to go?" My dad asked."Tomorrow morning. They want me to have enough time to settle in and get familiar with the place before classes start. The welcome dance is also tomorrow so that's the perfect opportunity for me to meet some of the staff, " I explained."I think it's gonna be perfect for you. I have an apartment in Seoul that you can stay at. It was mine when I lived over there before I met your father, " my mum said. My mum has always been pretty rich, so it doesn't surprise me that she has an apartment in Seoul. "Thank you, mum. Dad? What do you think?" I got up and walked over to my dad. "Well, if you're happy, and this is something that you really want, then I'm happy for you, darling. Just be safe, yeah?" he asked as he got up and grabbed hold of my hands. "Of course, dad. I'll be perfectly safe, " I smiled. I gave him a quick hug before moving back to look at my parents. "You should go get packing, darling. You've got a busy day ahead tomorrow. " My mum smiled as my dad had his arm around her. I gave them a big smile before running upstairs to get packing. I can't believe it! I'm going to Seoul!

-----THE NEXT DAY----

Today was the day! I spent last night packing, making sure I had everything (as well as some cute outfits). I got up early to give myself time to get ready. I have done my daily skincare routine followed by my makeup. After I had done my hair, I got changed into the outfit I had prepared last night. It was a pair of jeans with a cropped t-shirt as well as my denim jacket.

I double-checked I had everything before grabbing my suitcase and making my way downstairs. When I reached the bottom, my parents were waiting for me by the door. "You ready to go then?" My mum asked."All packed and ready, " I smiled. She walked up to me with tears in her eyes. She threw her arms around me. "I'm so proud of you, honey. Enjoy it out there. I'll send you the address for the apartment. Be safe, ok?" she asked as she pulled back."Of course, mum. I'll make you proud. " I smiled at her. I moved over to my dad, who instantly pulled me into a hug. "I love you so much, my little sunshine. Keep in touch, yeah?" My dad had tears in her eyes."Of course, dad. I love you. " I pulled back and grabbed my suitcase before opening the door. I walked down the driveway to my taxi, putting my suitcase in the boot before getting in myself. I looked back at my parents by the front door as they were waving at me. I waved back as my taxi left. I still can't believe this is happening. I'm going to Seoul!

Always There// Alex X Reader// XO, Kitty//Where stories live. Discover now