Chapter 9.

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You had apparently fell asleep and took a small nap. Thankfully you woke up just in time to see the Discord notification from Tommy saying that he was now online and to please tell him what you have to say. So you attempted to escape Will's grasp and booted up your computer to log on to the server. Call me was waiting for you exactly where he said he would be, he asked what was going on and you told him everything how you and will had talked about starting a revolution against that tyranny that was the dream SUV and starting your own country Tommy thought you were joking so he laughed you explain that at first you guys were but then you realized things were getting really bad under the rule of the king. "Are you in or not?" You asked, he said yes which made you quite happy you told him his brother would be happy with the news to have his younger brother on his side as well. You said thank you and logged off the server explaining that you had to tell Wilbur about this he said goodbye and good night. You logged off your PC and waited for will to get up, you didn't have to wait very long cuz it turns out he was already up, well half up still half asleep. You filled him in on what you and Tommy talked about and that he wanting to help. As you predicted will seem very happy with this, it made you smile he was so excited it was cute, but.. you weren't going to tell him cuz you didn't want to get attached which sounded stupid but that's how it was for you. You are always afraid of getting attached to people because they always leave, without them every time so you're just assumed that this was going to be the same as last time and try your hardest not to catch feelings but think it's too late now you are already too far in.: Shit you thought am I falling in love with him?  With that thought resonating in your head you fell asleep.

A n: sorry this is another late night post two chapters and one announcement today yeah I'm tired have a good night it's currently at 9:27 where I am right now

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