Chapter 1: Stellaron?

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Cordelia sat by the window, staring out at the snowy, white scenery that flew past her as the train sped by

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Cordelia sat by the window, staring out at the snowy, white scenery that flew past her as the train sped by.

She took a sip of her warm tea, relishing the warmth as it went down her throat.

"Stop! Stop trying to tie Pom-Pom's ears!"

"Hehe, you will look so cute in this bow!" March 7th said. She hold up a huge red bow and tried to tie the little conductor's ears with it.

"Cordelia! Please help Pom-Pom." The conductor said, trying to get away from March.

Cordelia chuckled at the scene. She drink the last bit of her tea before going to the duo.

She picked up Pom-Pom and hugged them tightly to her chest.

"Pom-Pom! You are so cute!" Cordelia untied the blue bow that tied their big ears together.

"Pom-Pom is not cute!" The conductor in her arms fumed. But even as they said that, she could see that they were happy at her compliment.

"How come Delia can hug Pom-Pom and I can't?" March 7th said, pouting.

Cordelia let out a soft laugh at this.

"I can give you juice later." The conductor said and March 7th's face lit up.

Cordelia put Pom-Pom down gently onto the ground. Pom-Pom walked away and a few minutes later, an announcement was heard. "All passengers, our destination, Belobog, is just up ahead. Please come into the main hall."

A moment later, every member of the Astral Express was gathered in the main hall. Almost everyone.

"Where's Dan Heng?" March 7th asked, looking around. Cordelia looks around too but sees no signs of the dark-haired man.

"Probably in the Archive." A gray-haired man said behind them.

"Eek!" March jumped slightly. She then turned around and scold the man. "Caelus, you scared me!"

Caelus gives her an apologetic smile.

"Alright, alright." An elegantly dressed woman walked over to them. "Remember, we will stay in Belobog for three days."

"Himeko! Are you and Mr. Yang coming with us this time?" Cordelia asked, walking up to the woman.

"Of course."

Cordelia smiled and went to get Dan Heng, who spends most of his time in the archive, uploading information to the Data Bank.

She was about to knock on the door when she heard a voice coming from the archive, "Come in."

Cordelia opened the door to the archive and went in. There sat Danheng, looking through the Data Bank.

"What are you doing?" Cordelia asked as she walked over to the dark-haired man's side, curious.

"Uploading new information." The man answered nonchalantly.

She tilted her head to the side a little. "For future trailblazers?"


"Alright." She turned to leave when she remember she was there to say something. "We are going to be in Belobog soon. Three days vacation."

Dan Heng nodded and said, "I'll be out in a few minutes."


                                            . . .

Belobog was nice and cozy, almost like a heated room in the middle of winter.

"We should go visit Bronya and Seele!" March holds up her camera, taking a picture with Cordelia.

"I just texted both of them, they are busy and will be busy for the next couple of days," Caelus said, holding up his phone.

"What? What about Natasha? And Hook?"

"Hook is free, Natasha is busy helping others," Danheng said, joining the group.

"Then let's go find Hook then!"

                                          . . .

However, their vacation was cut short, to their dismay.

One of the notorious Stellaron Hunters, Kafka, informed them of a nearby Stellaron in the Xianzhou Loufu. Upon hearing this, everyone was quite skeptical about this.

Cordelia, along with the others, knew that they shouldn't trust what Kafka said. But they couldn't leave the people in the Xianzhou Loufu in trouble if there is a Stellaron.

So they voted, and everyone decided to go except for Dan Heng. All the while, Cordelia noticed an uneasy expression on his usual cold, indifferent face.

Although she has many questions on her mind, she decided not to ask him. After all, he kept his secluded past quite a secret.

                                          . . .

Welt, Cordelia, March, and Caelus stepped onto the Xianzhou Loufu, one of the flagships of the Xianzhou Alliance, after someone lets them in.

As soon as they step onto the huge ship, there was no one, causing confusion.

"It's so empty here," Caelus remarked, looking around.

The group continues. As they made their way deeper, pieces of evidence of fighting becomes more and more visible, swords laid in the ground as blood splattered around them.

As they walked on, they noticed a strange armored soldier, crying out in pain.

"Don't go near it," Welt said, observing the strange creature.

"What is that?" March asked, peering at it curiously.

"Mara-Struck." The words were out of Cordelia's mouth before she knows it. Her eyes widen, not believing the words came out of her mouth.

She step closer to the soldier and branches emerged from the ground, wrapping gently around the mutated soldier.

It eases the pain of the Mara-Struck soldier before it slowly fades away to dust.

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