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Y/N, gamora and nebula were all transferred to Ronan the accuser's ship "the dark aster". Now they were awaiting the arrival of the power stone, Korath, Ronan's loyal servant went to acquire the power stone on Morag

Nebula: "Ronan, Korath has returned"


Korath: "master, he is a thief, an outlaw who calls himself star-lord. But we have discovered he has an agreement to retrieve the orb for an intermediary known as the broker"

Ronan: "I promised Thanos I would retrieve the orb for him. Only then will he destroy Xandar for me"

Ronan then stands up from his throne

Ronan: "Nebula, go to Xandar and get me the orb"

Nebula: "it will be my honour"

nebula then steps forward but then gamora steps forward herself

Gamora: "it will be your doom, if this happens again, you'll be facing our father without his prize"

Nebula: "I'm a daughter of thanos... just like you"

Gamora: "but we know Xandar"

Gamora then gestures to herself and Y/N

Nebula: "Ronan has already decreed that I—"

Ronan: "do not speak for me. You will not fail"

Gamora: "have I ever?"


We then cut to as gamora and Y/N steer a ship on they're way to Xandar

Gamora: "you know the deal?"

Y/N: "... yes"

Gamora: "we take the orb and sell it and split the 4 billion units, understood?"

Y/N: "understood"


???: "hey, we had a deal, bro!"

A scruffy looking man shouts before being pushed out the door as he notices a green skinned woman resting on the wall next to him while eating some fruit

Gamora: "what happened?"

???: "ah, this guy just backed out of a deal on me... if there's one thing I hate. It's a man without integrity. Peter quill, people call me star-lord"

Gamora: "you have the bearing of a man with honour"

Peter: "well, you know, I wouldn't say that. People say it about me all the time"

Peter then starts throwing the orb up and down with his hand as gamora walks up to him

Peter: "but it's not something I would ever say about myself"

Y/N then comes up from behind peter with his mask on and swings his fist down to quill's stomach and then Y/N puts his hand around peters neck and throws him to the ground and grabs the orb as gamora kicks Y/N in the stomach and then the face and
Y/N then falls down on the concrete

Gamora: "I'm sorry, brother"

Gamora then grabs the orb and starts running away but Peter throws a device that wraps around gamora's legs as she falls to the ground and Peter runs to her and jumps in the air but gamora releases herself just in time to kick Peter in the stomach and then peter falls to the ground and gamora punches him repeatedly in the face and then kicks him as Peter tries to reach for his gun but gamora stops him and gets on top of him and then Y/N Tackles gamora to the ground and puts a knife to her neck

Y/N: "this wasn't part of the plan"

Y/N then gets tackled himself to in the ground by a raccoon and a giant tree like creature starts wrapping vines all over Gamora

???: "put him in the bag! Put him in the bag! No not her, him! Learn genders man"

Gamora then screams and bites the raccoons finger

???: "ow! Biting? That's not fair!"

Quill then grabs the orb and starts running away with it but Y/N takes out one of his knives and throws it and hits quill in the hand and quill drops the orb

Quill: "ow!"

the orb then rolls until it falls off a ledge as Y/N jumps down and lands making a crater in the ground

and Y/N then grabs the orb and starts running away with it but quill jumps on top of him from above but Y/N gets up and puts his boot on quills neck

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and Y/N then grabs the orb and starts running away with it but quill jumps on top of him from above but Y/N gets up and puts his boot on quills neck

Y/N: "learn to know when your doomed"

Quill: "I never learn, that's my issue"

Quill then puts his booster on Y/N's leg and takes the orb away from him and sends him flying away into a fountain as quill stands there proudly until the tree creatures comes from behind him and puts a bag over him

Quill: "what the..."

Quills muffled screams are then heard as the tree creature puts the bag over its shoulder and starts walking with the raccoon

???: "quit smiling, you idiot, your supposed to be a professional, you gotta be kidding me"

Gamora then comes and pushes the raccoon away and gamora then uses her sword to cut the arms off the tree creature and gamora then opens the bag but quill comes out the bag and shoots electricity at gamora as gamora screams and falls to the floor and quill starts running away and the raccoon takes out a big gun and ready's himself to shoot but Y/N comes from in front of quill and hits him in the face with the butt of his gun and quill falls to the floor

???: "you kidding me"

The tree then whines as he looks at his arms on the floor

???: "it'll grow back you d'ast idiot, quit whining"

Y/N then goes to pick up the orb but a yellow light picks him up and floats him in the air as well with the tree and raccoon and unconscious body of gamora and a voice comes from the speaker

???: "subject 89P13 and Y/N L/N, drop your weapons, by the authority of the nova corps, you are under arrest"

Two nova corp men then escort quill away as Y/N and the raccoon drop their guns and the two say in unison

Y/N&raccon: "shit/oh, shit"


Guardians Of The Galaxy X Male Reader: The Black Dagger (not completed)Where stories live. Discover now