Chapter 3: The News

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After a long time in the darkness, Peacemaker started hearing voices. They were muffled.

"Is he going to be okay?" His mother, Hope, asked.

"Well, it doesn't seem like anything that terrible, though he might not wake up soon," an unknown voice that Peacemaker assumed was a healer informed.

"Reminds me of that one major injury that Kinkajou had around five years ago," Qibli said.

"Well look at me now, all grown and strong, if I can get through it, so can Peacemaker," Kinkajou assured. Peacemaker heard his mother sigh.

"Who could've done this though?" Moon asked.

"Probably one of the other Nightwing dragonets at the village. Some of them didn't like Peacemaker because he was hybrid, I always kept them away though, but I didn't think they this," Hope explained.

"How are the visions?" a new voice asked. This sounded like Queen Glory.

"Rough," Moon said unpleasantly. "I thought that everything would be fine and that he would live a great peaceful life with Clearblade but her death wasn't supposed to happen." So your visions were wrong, Moon.

"Peacemaker?" Moon said with a worried tone.

"Is he awake?" Hope asked eagerly. "Can he hear us?" Peacemaker opened his eyes slowly. He looked to his right, as he suspected Moon, his mother, Kinkajou, Qibli, Queen Glory, and the healers were there.

"Oh, dear," Hope said hugging Peacemaker. "I thought you were seriously hurt. Who did this to you?"

"Oh, um, three Nightwings, I believe their name was Nightfall, Silentstar, and Deathcauser," Peacemaker listed.

"Who decided to name their dragonet with a part of my name in it?" someone outside asked in a cocky tone.

"Deathbringer, many dragons could have 'death' in their names, it isn't exclusive to you," Glory said. In came walking Deathbringer, a large, male Nightwing a little taller than the queen. Peacemaker knew him, he was the bodyguard keeping watch over Glory the entire time. Though, Peacemaker remembered him as the dragon who liked hitting on her instead the entire time.

"Glad to have you awake, it a was long, boring few hours for me," Darkstalker said. Peacemaker saw the still huge Nightwing looming over everyone, it was kind of disturbing.

"Peacemaker? What are you looking at?' Qibli asked looking in the direction of Darkstalker.

"Nothing, just trying to think clearly," Peacemaker lied. "I'm a bit dizzy from the, you know, beatdown." Dizzy is an understatement, Peacemaker's head was killing him.

"Well, do not worry Peacemaker, I'll make sure to have a serious talk with those three," assured Glory. Peacemaker nodded,

"Thank you, your majesty."

"Should we bring the news right now?" Hope asked Glory. Peacemaker's heart skipped a beat thinking of all the possible ways they could have a lead on the incident but he continued to mask his thoughts. News. What news?

Kinkajou searched a bag she had with her. She pulled out a scroll and handed it to Peacemaker. Peacemaker unraveled it and the top read:

Congratulations! You have been invited to Jade Mountain Academy!

"Jade Mountain Academy?" Peacemaker repeated puzzled. Kinkajou was bouncing repeatedly.

"You bet ya! Isn't it exciting!" Kinkajou said with glee. But why was I invited? Did they invite me? It was more of a direct question for Moon than a thought.

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