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"Okay, I guess it's my turn, isn't it?" Goose asks as he notices that Maverick is once again checking out the ladies, causing Karma to raise her eyebrow in question. "All right, the bet is $20."

"Twenty dollars," Maverick agrees as he looks back over at Goose.

"You have to have carnal knowledge, of a lady this time, on the premises," Goose sets up the bet while Maverick starts to look around before he turns to Karma with a smirk.

"Not me, jackass," Karma retorts as she playfully shoves Maverick away from her.

"On the premises," Maverick repeats as he goes back to looking around before he locks eyes on a blonde sitting down at the bar.

"Come on, Mav. A bet's a bet," Goose encourages as Maverick's eyes do not leave the blonde.

"I don't know, it just doesn't seem fair. For you I mean," Maverick explains as he pats Goose on the shoulder. "But... She's lost that lovin' feeling."

"She's lost?" Goose goes to repeat as he looks over at the blonde before Maverick grabs his shoulder. "No, she hasn't."

"Yes, she has," Maverick states with a nod.

"She has not lost that..." Karma argues as she glances between the blonde and Maverick.

"She's lost it," Maverick finalizes as he walks away from Goose and Karma.

"I hate it when she does that," Goose pouts as Karma pats him on the shoulder with a small laugh.

"She hasn't, Goose," Karma says as she pulls out a twenty dollar bill. "I'm in." Karma hands the twenty to Goose before he follows after Maverick.

Karma smiles while she watches Maverick and Goose sing to the blonde. Karma let's out a laugh as some of the other pilots join in.

"You not a fan of singing?" Iceman asks as he stands beside Karma at the bar.

"Only in the safety of my shower," Karma jokes as she turns to face Iceman with a smirk.

"You know I heard he was trouble," Iceman states as he motions to Maverick, who is now sitting beside the blonde at the bar.

"The best pilots usually are," Karma agrees with a nod while Iceman orders them some beers.

"Is that your way of telling me that you are trouble," Iceman flirts as the bartender sets the beers down, causing Karma to turn to Iceman with a smirk.

"It must be my lucky night," Karma teases with a wink which causes Iceman to look at her confused. "Telling me I'm one of the best when you haven't even seen me fly yet."

"Well, I doubt you are here to help the Navy make a statement about involving women," Iceman explains as he stares into Karma's eyes to make sure he is right. Karma nods her head in agreement. "So, if you are here at Top Gun, then you must be pretty damn good."

"Nice observation," Karma says with a small smile before she takes a drink of her beer. "I guess we will find out eventually. Thanks for the beer." Karma squeezes Iceman's shoulder before going to join Goose on the other side of the bar.

"I'm pretty sure we're losing twenty bucks," Goose says as he picks at the label on his beer bottle.

"I would not have bet if I thought I was going to lose," Karma says with a smirk as she notices Maverick entering the women's restroom. "So, why are you not talking up any of the ladies?"

"Observant she is not," Goose teases as he holds up his left hand to show a wedding band on his ring finger.

"Congratulations," Karma responds as she smiles the first real smile all night. "How long have you two been together?"

"Five years," Goose answers as he smiles proudly before pulling a picture out of his wallet. "That's Carole and our son, Bradley."

"He's adorable," Karma says as she looks at the picture, while slightly wishing she had someone waiting on her outside of the Navy. "I bet he's going to want to be a pilot when he grows up."

"As much as I dislike the idea of that," Goose says with a sigh, because as much as he loves flying with Maverick he wished he was home with Carole and Bradley. "It'll be his decision when the time comes."

"That it will," Karma says with a nod.

Karma could not help but to think about having kids and if they would want to follow in her footsteps to be a pilot. And she had to admit that she agrees with Goose, since she already knows the dangers of the job and would not want her kids putting themselves in that sort of danger.

"Your friend was magnificent," Charlotte lies as she walks past Karma and Goose, who is staring at his beer bottle.

Goose looks at her in shock as she continues to leave before looking over at Maverick, who stops beside them. Karma smirks as she watches Maverick look longingly at Charlotte, who exits the bar.

"No," Goose says as he realizes that Maverick struck out.

"See I told you both," Karma says with a victorious smirk which causes Maverick to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "She did not lose that loving feeling. And I do not bet unless I'm going to win."

Maverick sighs in defeat as he pulls two twenty dollar bills from his wallet.

"Thank you," Karma says with a smile as she takes a twenty. "I will be seeing you boys bright and early in the morning. Goodnight."

"Later, Karma," Maverick calls out as she walks out the doors with a wave.

Iceman notices her leaving before rushing out the door to catch up with her.

"Karma!" Iceman calls out as he sees her heading for the parking lot. Karma sighs as she turns to look at Iceman as he catches up to her. "I could walk you home, if you would like."

"Thanks but no thanks," Karma replies as she picks up her helmet before she swings her leg over her bike. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kazansky."

Iceman shakes his head while kicking the gravel under his feet as he watches her take off. Iceman could not believe that he has struck out with Karma twice. He now knows that the bet will be much harder than he anticipated.

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