Chapter 17 (Don't Mess with Death's Harry)

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A/N: Not my story! Original avalible on ao3


Early the next morning, the trio plus Death breakfasted on the leftovers from the night before and sleepily packed up all their things. After the tent and all their supplies, as well as the leftover food, were packed away into Hermione's wonderful beaded bag, Death had the trio gather together. He looked at them all, then waved a hand over their heads. "There, now no one will recognize you. When they look at you, they'll think you're someone they've never seen before."

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed. "I need to know how to do that in the future."

"Of course. I'll teach you later. It won't work for the goblins though. They have their own ways of knowing who you are based on magical signatures, but I doubt they'll care since they're neutral in the war," Death explained, vowing silently that the goblins would regret it if they did try anything regardless. "If they make a fuss, just grab onto me, and I'll get us all out of there."

"Erm, not that I'm complaining, Dis," Harry began. "But, aren't you supposed to be a neutral party as well? You haven't been acting very neutral lately."

"And, I'll act much less neutral once all the Horcruxes are destroyed," Death growled angrily. "That abomination has basically declared war on me. He sends countless people to me before their time and has made a mockery of the balance of nature through those Horcruxes of his. That's not to mention his desire to kill my soulmate. Once all the Horcruxes are destroyed, he'll find I'm no longer a neutral party! My hands are only tied as long as that vile magic is anchoring him to this plane."

Harry cackled, yes cackled, gleefully, "I'm so looking forward to that day!"

"After he's destroyed, I then plan to spend the next however long it takes to make sure all documentation and knowledge of how to make a Horcrux is erased from this world," Death continued with an ominous look in his eyes. He took a deep breath and looked back at the group of mortals. "Shall we?" Death smiled, offering his arm to Harry.

"We'll just meet you there, at the apparition point outside Gringotts," Hermione spoke up, remembering Snape's reaction to Death's shifting from the day before.

"Suit yourself," Death said as he and Harry disappeared in a dark cloud.

They weren't in Diagon Alley for two minutes before Harry's head was accosted by a chattering ball of feathers. "Aaah!" He yelled as he danced around, trying to get away from the crazy owl that wanted to nest in his hair. "Pig! Ron, calm your owl!" Death unhelpfully just chucked as he watched.

After grabbing the tiny owl from Harry's head, Ron pulled the letter off the bird's foot. "We just left our wards. He's probably been trying to find you to deliver this for a while," Ron said, handing over the letter as he tried to calm the hyper owl in his fist. "Is everything ok at the safe house?" He asked concernedly as Harry read it over.

Harry laughed and smiled at them. "Everything is fine! I have a new godson, Theodore Lupin! Remus and Tonks had their baby!" He handed the letter over to Ron and Hermione to read.

"Does this mean I have a step-godson? Or a godson-in-law?" Death inquired with an odd look on his face.

"I guess it does," Harry smiled as Death's look changed into a large grin.

"I must figure out how to spoil a child properly. You were not good practice for that," Death said pulling Harry into a happy hug.

"Well, at least you know all the good card games to teach him!"

"Shall we get this show on the road?" Hermione asked, nervously looking at the bank as she handed Harry's letter back to him.

Harry summoned a piece of parchment and a quill out of Hermione's bag and wrote a quick reply back to Remus. "I'm telling him we'll stop by as soon as we're able," Harry said, attaching the letter to Pig and sending him off again. "Well, let's go! We have goblins to terrify!"

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