Part 8

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Ugggghhh. I hate crushes. >:C

So there is this boy who I really like, like a lot... but thing is I'm kinda getting past the "omg he is so perfect" stage and I'm getting the not so fun effects of a crush, especially since I started liking him specifically because I know that it's super unlikely that he would date me.

That has started to backfire because I like him so much it sucks to see him hanging out with so many other girls. I don't think he even pays attention to me. It started off kinda fine and I didn't really care that he didn't like me until I told my friends and I guess from there my feelings kinda grew and now it's just constant heart ache.

While I'm liking him I also found out that another person likes me. Honestly I would make a move if I didn't like that boy but I do and it kinda sucks because I had liked him previously when I was dating another person and it was a partial reason to why me and the other person broke up. Another thing is literally no one wants us to be together anyway so I'd just get slandered constantly while being in a relationship I'm not sure I really want to be in again.

Dude I can't with this anymore uggggggg.

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