𓃻⃝⃝ ∆⃟⃟𓋢𓉣𓉤𓉡⃟⃝ᥫ᭡■

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Stu and Billy walked with y/n as personal bodyguards or something they asked her questions as they looked down at her.
"Okay okay why are you so small compared to like everyone is it genes?." Stu asked with a grin.
"Well yeah kind of my parents were really short guess that makes me short." I smiled warmly looking up at them the dirty blonde and blue eyes with the brown eyes and brown parted hair.
They look unrsepreatble.

"How tall are you tall y/n?." Billy asked cocking a brow.
"5,0." (My actual height I think I might be 4'11) I shrugged. Their mouth went apage and their eyes were wide.
"I knew you were short but danm!."
I just gigled and threw my head back.
"Blame my parents." I said smiling at them.
To be continued

Till Death Do Us Apart slashers x Fem Nurse Reader Where stories live. Discover now