Chapter 1

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A cool light breeze blew around LA on this beautiful morning as it crept into Shonda Rhimes' office making the papers that layed asleep on her  immaculate desk wake up and dance.

The  dark strong coffee attacked her  taste buds as an idea about her  hit medical show Grey's Anatomy hit her  mind. I placed the  coffee cup on the wooden table and Betsy walked into the  office,they had a rule that unless Shonda  was on the phone she could walk in whenever , as she had a big say in what happened in the show from actors to what character's were going to screw each other that day.

" Hey Betsy, I've just thought of an idea to get these viewing figures up and just to have the excitement of the fans that we had all them years ago. " Rhimes said.

Betsy sat on the grey comfortable sofa that was opposite Shonda's desk, " Go on I'm intrigued to know what you are thinking. "

" A reunion , ask all the cast from 2010-2015 years to come back and then film a party of all of the characters celebrating Teddy's Harper Avery award. " The head boss said.

" Oooh interesting , but do you think they will come back though ?  They are all involved with other things now including family. I heard Sara Ramirez is doing that SATC remake and Sandra Oh is doing Killing Eve which she co-produced. " Beers replied.

The coffee reunited with Rhimes' tongue as she took another sip , " Well I'm happy for them of course but Ramirez did want to come back but CBS blocked them , I wanted them back. With Sandra , she could easily return but she did once get angry with me with the working conditions so I doubt she will , we could ask their agents , no harming in trying. "

" Oh you know about Sara being non - binary ? "

" Yeah I think a lot of ppl do and the cast were talking about it at the table read ages ago. " Shonda said cracking her knuckles.

Betsy crossed her legs and took her jacket off , " I'm proud of them, having the courage to come out in a world where there's so much hate and not enough love is honourable. "

" I always liked Ramirez , full of love for everyone , not wanting to get involved in the shenanigans and always giving their best. " Shonda said  while reading the notes that the writers had given her to read over to see if she liked it.

Betsy crossed her legs again and took a sip of her water , " So... What do you want to do about this reunion idea ? "

Shonda looked at her , her hair twirling in the wind , "Well I thought that I could contact them , maybe by social media or by their agents and asking if they will come back for a few episodes which is what I've got in mind at the moment or more. "

" Good idea. Do you want me to start the calls or do you ? " Betsy says.

" I'll do them all. If that's ok ? " Shonda says turning a page over of the notes.

" Yep. Do you want me to stay ? " Betsy says standing up.

" You can do. " Shonda says her hands moving to her computer keyboard.
" Actually could you do me a favour and call Ellen as she got Patrick and Eric back so maybe she could help me contacting Sara etc ? "

Betsy walks further closer to the door , " Yeah sure, " Betsy walks out of her office on her mission to find Pompeo.

Shonda typed in Sara Ramirez agent and it gave her information on how to book and a contact number. Shonda dialled the number. Her heart pounded as the phone kept on ringing, each ring like a small heart attack.

" Hello ? " A person on the other side of the phone said.
Shonda let out a sigh of relief, " Hi , it's Shonda Rhimes from Grey's anatomy calling , I'm calling about one of your clients , Sara Ramirez? "

" Hi Shonda, yes what about them? " The woman questioned.

" I was wondering if you could contact them about returning to Grey's Anatomy for a few episodes could be more ? " Shonda replied.

" Well as you should be aware of , Sara is working for HBO©  and is on the remake of SATC , And Just Like That© , and that has just been commissioned for another season. So Sara quite rightly has agreed to work on the second season which won't stop filming until March. As now is December , it's a while. The thing I can do for you is ask if they would like to return as they did love working on your show and I'll get back to you. "
Sara's PR explained.

" Yes that will be very helpful thanks a lot take care. " Shonda thanked them.

Sara's representative put the phone down on her.

Shonda layed her coffee mug on her desk , to the right of her computer , next person on the list was Jessica Capshaw.


Is Shonda gonna get any luck with contacting other actors? If she does will they want to return ?

First chapter completed, hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter, comments and feedback much appreciated xx

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