chapter ii.

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IF YOU LOOKED AT any photo of charles when he was younger, you would most definitely see lily in the back of almost every one

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IF YOU LOOKED AT any photo of charles when he was younger, you would most definitely see lily in the back of almost every one.

photos of charles and pierre? lily was there.

photos of charles and max? lily was there.

take a guess who was standing by charles' side during the iconic 'inchident' video. you guessed it, it's lily lorenzi.

maybe it was the old memories from when they were kids that kept him in love with her. maybe it was back then when they were carefree without any adult responsibilities that kept his love for her cemented in time. like a time capsule, charles held onto those memories, cherishing them because even though it was so long ago, it was all he really had left now.

if you couldn't make new memories, why not hold onto the old ones?

charles replayed the old memories daily when he wasn't training or racing. it was paradoxical: the memories were the one thing holding him together but at the same time, they were tearing him apart.


MARCH 11, ten years of age.

THE PLAYGROUND WAS FILLED with children running around and playing. most tried to avoid the mud since it had rained the night before, but a group with a soccer ball were basically rolling around in it.

charles was on a mission. he searched the playground for the prettiest flowers he could find — even if majority of them were weeds that weren't all that pretty. but he knew that his best friend would find them pretty because she managed to find the beauty in everything, always looking for the positives through the negatives. charles in his older teenage years came to learn that it was her coping skill.

"lily!" charles called out, the flowers clutched tightly in his hand as he held them behind his back.

lily turned at the sound of her name, dusting her hands off on her skirt. she moved away from the monkeybars and skipped over to charles. "hi, charlie!" she giggled, waving excitedly at him.

without warning, charles pulled out the bundle of wild flowers from behind his back and held them out to her. "i got you flowers," his cheeks flushed pink.

"aww," lily cooed as she took the flowers from him. "merci! they are very pretty."

"you are prettier," charles beamed, noticing the soft pink hue that lit up lily's face. "i have a question."

"hm?" she hummed, intently focused on the flowers twirling from her fingers.

"will you . . . uh, will you be my girlfriend?" his eyes were frosted with hopefulness as he rocked back and forth on his feet in anticipation.

𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, charles leclerc ✓Where stories live. Discover now