2: Gerard Has Some Fun With Firecrackers

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Gerard and Mikey decided they needed more firepower before leaving headquarters and killing their next target, so they made their way to the armoury. On their way, they started having a debate as to what method of killing was better.

"I'm not saying stabbing someone isn't fun, but it isn't the smartest way to off someone. They would easily be able to shoot you before you even got close." Mikey told Gerard.

"What if they don't have a gun?"

"When do they ever not have a gun?"

"But... Why would a porn star have a gun?" Gerard frowned slightly, trying to make sense of his small predicament.

"Maybe he likes it a bit kinky?"

Gerard snorted slightly at that. "I bet Ray had fun then." Both of them dissolved into a fit of giggles at Gerard's statement and they were still laughing by the time they got to the armoury. Bob, the man in charge of the guns, rolled his eyes when he saw the two brothers. It's not that he didn't like them, it's just that he was quite amused but baffled by them. He didn't understand how two immature men in their twenties could be ruthless killers, then again most people didn't understand the Way brothers. In fact, even the Way brothers didn't understand the Way brothers.

"What are you two laughing at?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at them questioningly (only Mikey Way had the ability to raise only one of his eyebrows at headquarters and that was only because he had practised so much as a teenager).

"Nothing!" Gerard and Mikey said simultaneously, faking innocence. The two of them may have been immature but they certainly did keep their promises, so they definitely wouldn't talk about Ray's... problem.

"Right..." Bob dragged out the word, making it very clear that he didn't believe a word they said. "Should I stay away from the bathrooms for a while then?"

"No, it's nothing like that!" Mikey promised the much taller man.

"Actually... it would probably be best if you stayed away from them for a bit..." Gerard said, smirking slightly to himself.

"Gerard!" Both Bob and Mikey exclaimed.

"What did you do this time?" Mikey snapped at his older brother.

"Well, you know you were talking about firecrackers earlier..." Mikey sighed in disbelief and turned to Bob to apologise.

"Sorry about him, his mother dropped him on his head as a baby."


"Could we take out a couple of pistols and kinves anyway."

"Sure," he said, smiling at the more mature of the two, "here you go." Mikey took the weapons from him and handed a knife and a pistol to Gerard, who was still sulking about Mikey's earlier comment. They both put the knife down the side of the combat boots they were wearing and then tried to squeeze the guns down the waistband of their skin-tight skinny jeans.

"Those jeans are gonna be the death of you two. They'll either suffocate you to death or you'll die trying to get your fucking gun from them." Bob scoffed at the two of them.

"They're a fashion statement." Gerard told him, rolling his eyes.

"They're not a fashion statement, they're a death wish, a fashion statement, my arse," Bob snorted.

"Exactly! Or your dick but we aren't too fussy about it."

"Whatever," Bob said, sighing, "just get out of here." So, taking his advice they waved to him and jogged out of headquarters towards their shitty car, arguing about who should drive them the two hours it would take to get to New Jersey. In the end, Mikey gave in and took the keys after receiving a threat about firecrackers from Gerard. The only good thing about Mikey driving was that he could pick the music they play and he was most certainly not listening to David Bowie again... (Later edit: I absolutely adore David Bowie and it's a massive shame he's gone, rest in peace, you musical legend)

(A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. It's my first ever story/fan-fic so if it's terrible, then I'm really sorry! Anyway, I have big plans for this story so stick around for a while if you like it. I might also create some other shit on the side, it depends if I get bored enough. I also realised just how good I've been on my tablet, since I had to add a fair amount of swear words to the dictionary so it would stop auto-correcting them...)

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