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Nathan's POV

My hands fidgeted with my buttons as I anxiously waited for Max and his father to come back. Max insisted on having time alone with him, but something told me he needed me there. I could feel sharp and stinging pains twitching in my heart as more and more time passed, slowly driving me to insanity as my father rambled on and on.

"And while I was visiting France, I noted where I think the best location for the new establishment should be-"

"Were you ever going to tell me that I actually am your son?" For years I had been used to people referring to me as his son but he had told me it was a cover-story, to keep people from suspecting him. "Were you ever going to tell me the truth?"

"Paris has one area that is perfect for-"

"ANSWER ME." I yell, the ballroom silencing as people turn to stare.

"Nathan, do not make a scene. After all, your father-in-law will not approve of you if you lose your temper." He scoffed, "I wonder what kind of catering the wedding will have."

"None, because I haven't proposed." My hands clenched into tight fists by my side, "Now answer me."

"You haven't proposed?!" His tiny eyes squinted as he hobbled closer, "Well do it soon! You cannot miss this chance to secure such a fortune-"

"I don't care about the fortune, I care about why my father kidnapped me and forced me to go here!" I was taller than him now, my shadow used to reach his chest but now it reached above his head.

"Because-" he quickly looked around us, making sure no one was close enough to hear him. "You are my only heir, my only fruitful seed. I need you to keep my- no, our legacy, alive!"


"You kidnapped me, took me away from my home- my mother, all because you wanted to continue your bloodline?" My hands trembled as I seethed in anger, ready to explode yet holding myself back. "You forced me to go to this hell and live in fear daily, all so you could have someone to pass down your shit."

"Nathan please-" He shook under me, backing away. "-Listen, it's vital you understand our situation-"

"Really?" I gasped as his face hit the stone floor. A loud CRACK! echoed in my ears as my hands tangled in his hair. He groaned in pain, and I quickly yanked my hands away, realizing what I had done. My heart pounded with panic as I knelt beside him, checking for any signs of injury. Tears blurred my vision as I muttered, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

He groaned again, slowly pushing himself up onto his elbows. "I'll live," he said, wincing as he touched the back of his head.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," I said, my voice shaking. I helped him to his feet, feeling guilty and ashamed.

What's wrong with me?

"It's alright," he said, his eyes meeting mine. "It was just an accident."

I knew it was more than that. It was a reminder of the power I held, the potential for destruction that lay within me. I had already lost control with Leonardo, and I was afraid of what might happen if I lost control again. All I could think about was protecting Max, but he was nowhere around. My senses were straining, searching for his scent, his golden hair, any hint of where he could be.

Did he leave the balcony?

"Nathan, I know you want answers but I cannot give them all to you- not right now, not yet." He sighed, "But one day we'll sit down-"

"I don't want to sit down with a scheming rapist," I sneered. My mouth tasted sour every time he looked at me. "I'd rather stay clueless than hear your sick reasoning."

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