Chapter 1: Rugby Club

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I was so excited. It was the first time Hillary, Jaden and I (Courtney) were having a sleepover together. I'm already 30 minutes late to Hillary's house and my Dad is driving slower than Hillary running sprints during P.E. Finally we get to Hillary's house. Her house looks like a house from a fairy tail. Large gates, an aqua pool, and an oversized trampoline. Could it get any better? I knock on Hillary's door and she opens it immediately. Jaden hasn't gotten here yet so we have time to spare before going to the Rugby Club.
"I'm so excited to get a mamma burger" Hillary says. We've been discussing burgers all week at school and finally we can taste it in our mouths.
After Jaden arrives, we pile into the car and take off to the Rugby Club. After we order the burgers we sit outside in the burning fall heat. We talk and talk and finally something interesting happens. Someone behind us at the small bar yells, "show me your bells" and so we turn around and a person yanks down his pants. I really wish I didn't turn around. We walk around on the rugby field and notice a group of kids a little older than us playing truth or dare. I ask if we can play and they approve. Jaden asks what school their from and they say Sausage Klub. "Your from Sausage Klub!!!!!" Jaden yells. "Sorry we can't hang out with you because we are from Bacon School. You are our rivals in soccer so it would be bad to talk with people from Sausage Klub."
Jaden turns around and walks off while me and Hillary stare at each other in embarrassment. "I think we should go now before Jaden gets any crazier." says Hillary.

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