Chapter 78

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"In the next couple of days, I might be able to arrest Holden." Silence. A stunned, heavy silence that hung between the pair of them and polluted the air. Roger sat bolt upright and Bernie's reflexes couldn't pick herself up fast enough for her head not to go thudding into the wall. "Urrr, ow?"

"Oh my god, holy shit, to everything," he cried, half frantically rejoicing, half pitying. "Sorry..."

Nursing her head, she sat up too and elaborated. "Apparently, the new tenant who replaced Flo and I is super religious and turned Holden into the authorities for suspected drug dealing! How good is that!" She squealed, tiredness forgotten, beaming with all of her teeth. The chances of it were just so slim, and she felt like she'd been given the best Christmas present. Oh yeah, and Roger coming home and everything, that was good too... but perhaps not as great as getting to arrest Holden.

"'Bout fucking time, huh?" Roger returned her contagious smile and they brought one another in for a victorious embrace.

"I just can't believe it. I mean, chances are he's not dealing or growing anything, but I'm willing to take it 'cause he always reeked of weed and I mean...look at him." To Bernie, it made perfect sense that Holden was dealing and, if anything, it solved a few mysteries for her. Like at the end of their relationship, he never let her into the spare room and made sure the flat was profusely intoxicated by the acrid smell of artificial air freshener at all times. Now it made sense that he was trying to cover something up.

"Birdie, I'm proud of you, lock him up." Bringing his hands up to cup her face, he put one to the back of her neck and began to bring her head towards his. But he didn't need to bother, for she was way ahead of him and shoved her entire body weight into his chest, sending him back down into the fluffy pillows. Falling on top of him slightly, she used equal force in placing her lips on his and soon enough they were kissing with the passion of two people who hadn't spent a single night together in a month and a half.

"Oh my god, I missed this - you - so much," he rasped and savoured every sensation that he'd been deprived of for so long. He'd held himself together so well through the tour thus far, rejecting girls left right and centre - for there was only one woman he truly wanted and she was right here, kissing him and pulling his shirt off. An anticipating groan escaped him as Bernie ran her cold hands up and down the smooth skin of his chest and slightly toned stomach. All thanks to the touring lifestyle for that.

It didn't take long before almost every item of clothing between them had made its way to the end of the bed or the floor. Bernie had kept her silk pyjama shirt on, wanting to stay warm. No matter how heated things got, it was still -4° outside. Roger broke off and adjusted their bodies so that she was the one laying under the warmth of his strong build. Feeling like she was high above the clouds, she sighed and reached out to the top drawer of the bedside table, fumbling for the whereabouts of a condom.

"Oh, we won't be needing one of those," Roger snickered and, leaving Bernie confused, brought his lips lower and lower, until he was kissing her inner thigh. It didn't take a genius to work out what was happening, and she awkwardly put her legs together, not sure of where to look. "I don't have to if you don't want me to," he whispered, but she just shook her head.

"I do, it's just no one's ever...been there before." God, if you're listening, just put me out of my damn misery here, she thought to herself, teeth slightly bared with the awkwardness she'd created. On the contrary, Roger didn't seem to share this feeling and a grin came to his face.

"In which case, you're about to have the experience of a lifetime, gorgeous."

How on earth she'd got her way out of that, she had no idea, but she didn't give it another thought when Roger dipped his head and kissed a part of her where lips had never ventured before. This sensation was incredibly new to her, it had its own intimacy that she couldn't quite put into words. Not that any other words other than "holy fucking shit" came to her head in that moment, but she appreciated her own incentives.

Because this was entirely new to her, she had no idea what to do. Did she do something, or just lay back and enjoy it? Laying and doing nothing except enjoying the moment didn't seem very evenly weighted, especially as it seemed Roger was...working she threaded her hands through his hair, twirling the blonde locks round her fingers and running her hands through it. It was so soft and seemed to bode well as Roger groaned, which created a small vibration, to which her eyes widened. She wasn't sure how many new feelings one could experience in a day, but she had no complaint about it.

Then, to her extreme disappointment, Roger took his mouth away and gazed into her eyes, which were filled with lust and concentration. This was the first time she'd ever experienced this, so she focussed on the new feelings. "Why'd you stop?" She asked, of which the answer was expressed through his next actions, rather than his words.

This, she had felt before, but there was something so virginal about the way she felt when Roger did it, his touch gentle. "I feel like you probably don't want to be kissed on the mouth right now," he said and chuckled when she definitively shook her head wordlessly.

"Do that again..." she thought out loud and he complied, with slightly more certainty, which made her body shake and her stomach twist with that familiar knot. Leaning down, he kissed her jaw with an insatiable gentleness, but brought his head back up to admire her as her lips parted slightly, allowing quickened breaths to escape.

"I don't care, just - kiss me," she gasped breathlessly and he dipped his head to gladly do what he'd been told, his other movements not faltering for a moment. To her surprise, his mouth still tasted of cigarettes and mint, which she welcomed, so glad that there were no traces of whatever it was that she tasted of lingering in his mouth. Even the mere thought of that was a total mood killer, so she cast her mind to the present moment: the smell of fresh linen and Roger, the feeling of their bodies pressed together and him finishing up with what he was doing.

"So, what'd you think?" Roger asked once they were cleaned up, failing to keep the smirk out of his voice.

"Promise me one thing," Bernie turned her head to glance up at him and he gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek before responding.


"That that's going to happen again." This time it was her turn to smirk and their hug shook as Roger laughed, followed by a cough. "That cold still lingering? Ew, I just had sex with an ill person."

"How complimentary!" Roger scoffed and tickled her side. She squirmed under the duvet and turned away from him, pulling the duvet up to her chin. Wrapping his arm around her, he scooped her up and brought her in for a cuddle, effectively spooning her.

"Of course that'll happen again," he whispered into her ear before nipping it slightly and kissing her temple. "It's getting near one, we should get you to sleep, you have work in the morning."

"Goodnight Meddows." Almost as soon as she shut her eyes, she was sound asleep.

Listening to the sound of her soft breaths, Roger moved a stray strand of her hair out of her eyelashes and muttered 5 words into the darkness that she wasn't awake to hear.

"I think I love you."

13/12/23 - hmmm, i'm not sure how i'm feeling about this is very very welcomed!!

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