Running Out Of Time

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"T...To K...Kill...H..Him...S...Self..." Smg4 said the last bit out loud.

Smg3 opens a portal to the living realm.

As Smg3 walked towards the portal he was near a tall building.

Smg4 called all of his other friends to see if they saw three he needed to stop three before it's to late!

Sakio and Tair saw Smg3 walking towards a building

Sakio heard her phone go off she checked it Smg4 was calling her.

"Smg3 は高い建物に向かって目覚めて何をしているのですか?" Sakio said (what is Smg3 doing waking towards a tall building?) Translated

"こんにちは、何が必要ですか Smg4 私と Tair は忙しいです、そして Smg3 が何か奇妙なことをしているのが見えます、彼は高い建物に向かって歩いています" Sakio said (hello what do you need Smg4 me and Tair are busy and I see Smg3 doing something weird he is walking to a tall building )

"Yeah he's being very strange I'm a little worried for are friend." Tair said as she held on to Saiko arm.

"Whatever you do stop him till I get there okay please!! And tell me we're your at!" Smg4 yelled.

" 私たちはベリービル近くのアイスクリームショップの近くのタウンセンターにいます、なぜですか?" Sakio said (we're at the Town center near the ice cream shop near berryville why?)

"Great I will explain later right now stop Smg3!!" Smg4 yelled as he hang up.

Smg4 ran as fast as he can to stop Smg3 before it was to late.

Saiko and Tair ran after Smg3.

Saiko and Tair blocked Smg3 way.

"Smg3 you can't go any further The power of friendship compels you!" Tair said.

"You're wasting your time just get out of my way." Smg3 said with a low voice

"どこへ行くのですか、Smg4 はあなたが私たちを心配させているのではないかと心配しています。" Sakio said (where are you going Smg4 is worried you're worrying us.)

Smg3 ignore them as he pushed them aside and kept walking.

Tair looked at Saiko and watched Smg3 walking towards the tall building.

Tair felt small tears coming from her eyes.

"What do we do now he just moved us out of the way like we were nothing"Tari said as she felt some tears coming down her face

"大丈夫、愛する人、私たちはただ彼の尻を蹴ればいいだけです!" Siako said. (it's okay my love we just need to kick his ass!)

As Siako hold Tair face and kissed her on the lips.

Tair was shocked she was being kissed by the badass chick she had a crush on her for so long and here she was being kissed by her one true love.

Smg4 finally made it he was huffing and puffing.

"I'm here where's Smg3..." Smg4 puff out.

Smg4 saw Siako and Tair were kissing.

"Aww I knew they were gay!" Smg4 said out of happiness.

"No I need to focus Smg3 needs my help or else I can't lose him!" Smg4 said as he shake his head to focus.

Smg4 sees smg3 going inside the tall building.

Smg4 ran after him to stop Smg3 before he does anything stupid.

Smg3 entered the building he walk to the elevator and pushed the roof button as Smg3 waits for the elevator doors close he saw Smg4 running towards the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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