meeting the others

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Once you and Anika got to the apartment and went inside all eyes were on you "who's that?" Asked a boy with short curly hair he looked sort of like a jock you were behind Anika so you had to move aside so people could see you better a guy with really curly poofy black hair turned to look at you sort of surprised

There was also a girl in a ponytail you recognized her because she bumped into you at the party and another girl with dark
ginger hair but you didn't see the girl who got a cup thrown at her anywhere "I'm y/n Anika's roommate" you said trying to squeeze your way back out but Anika held onto you

"I bought her here because I wanted you guys to meet her" said Anika with a smile "I met her first so suck it losers" said Mindy with a chuckle "Chad" said the guy who looked like a jock giving you a small smile and a nod "I'm Tara the girl who bumped into you at the party sorry about that" she was looking down holding a water bottle

"Uh... I'm Ethan" said the guy with really curly poofy hair looking away from you "Sam isn't here right now but I'm sure she would like to know you she's Tara's sister" said Anika leaving your side to go sit down next to Mindy making her smile you looked at the ginger hair girl since she didn't introduce herself yet

"I'm Quinn" she said in a low tone surprisingly she had a nice voice "hi" you said in a low tone as well "well I'm going to my room" said Tara walking away with Chad right behind her you probably should say something funny to lighten the mood okay but what? You can make that stupid beer joke but that wouldn't be funny

"Hey since Sam isn't back yet want to come over to my room? That way we can talk more and get to know each other" said Quinn standing up "𝙄 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙙𝙤 𝙞𝙩" said stu standing behind her "sure" you said following her "you're in no position to tell me what to do" you whispered walking past him "what was that?" Said Quinn looking back at you

"I said I have to tie my shoe" you said you were so bad at this why do you even try at this point "oh" said Quinn looking down at your shoes only to see that they are already tied making her look back up at you "they are already tied" she said sort of confused "oh they are?" You said looking at your shoes they were in facted tied this was just embarrassing you looked at Quinn when you heard her chuckle

"You know even if we don't know each other that well I'm starting to take a liking to you y/n" said Quinn opening the room door and going inside you went inside after her and closed the door behind you her room was really nice and warm "here" said Quinn giving you some makeup wipes

"I figured you would want them" said Quinn "thanks" you said taking them from her and taking one out to clean your face Quinn makes herself comfortable on her bed pulling the blankets over to her "you missed a spot" said Quinn grabbing the makeup wipes from you "come sit" she said patting a seat in front of her

"Okay" you said sitting down in front of her as she takes out a wipe and starts cleaning the missing spot "so did you just move to new York?" Asked Quinn you couldn't really force since you guys were really close to each other "yeah for collage my mom wanted me to come here and get away from woodsboro" you said as Quinn hums cleaning the spot you missed

"Yeah I can understand her after all there were lots of murders happening there a few years back" said Quinn backing away from you, you remembered that well not quite your mom and Sidney are friends since highschool along with Tatum but she left the party early since there was a curfew that night and she had to go home

But she got a call in the morning from Sidney and she told your mom everything that happened that night but told her not to worry since both Billy and stu were already dead but sadly she had to break the news to her and tell her Tatum didn't make it but ever since that day your mom and Sidney became best friends and always stuck together

"You're talking about the people who dress up as ghostface and kill their friends for a dumb reason like Billy Loomis and Stu macher" you said Quinn let out a small sigh "not all of their reasons are dumb you know" said Quinn facing away from you "well what would be a good reason to become ghostface?" You said Quinn was silent for a moment

"I don't know what if your friend killed your brother?" Said Quinn speaking in a low tone again you were unsure on what to say "for no reason?" You said in a confused tone "yeah for no reason" said Quinn that was odd surely the friend must have a reason to want to kill someone's brother why would they want to kill them without a reason it don't make any sense

"Don't you think that's a good reason?" Said Quinn looking back at you "honestly I don't know" you said looking down "y/n have you ever lost someone very important to you?" Said Quinn taking your hands with hers "because I have" said Quinn was stu very important to you? He was your dad but he was also a psychopath you were lost for words

"I lost my beloved brother in a car accident it was just him my dad and me I had no idea where my mom was but ever since my brother died my dad always kept a close eye on me and eventually we moved here he was sort of a stalker in a way" said Quinn with a short laugh "is your dad still in the picture?" You asked a bit hesitantly

"Yes he's still in the picture he's a police officer sheriff bailey is what they call him" said Quinn with a nod as you let out a small sigh you were relieved to hear that at least she had someone "but what about you y/n? You didn't answer my question" said Quinn you were hoping she would forget about that sadly she didn't

"Yeah I did" you said looking away from her "who? I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" said Quinn "it's fine" you said looking back at her "I lost my dad although I didn't know him but I know what he did" you said "what did he do?" Said Quinn "um..." You said unsure on what to say now maybe you should make something up

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me but how did he die if you don't mind me asking?" Said Quinn "someone killed him" you said you didn't want to say Sidney killed him because that might give you away and she might throw you out of her room and tell the others who you really were and you didn't want that

"I'm sorry to hear that" said Quinn putting a hand towards her mouth in shock "it's fine I didn't really know him" you said "but don't you miss him?" Said Quinn looking at you with worry "no" you said quickly "I mean..." You said but got cut off when you guys hear someone knocking on Quinn's door

"You guys might want to see this" you heard Chad say "come on let's go see what's going on" said Quinn getting off her bed and walking towards the door with you behind her once you guys were outside you saw everyone looked at the news Quinn was right next to you when you guys got closer to the others what was going on?

Quinn bailey x fem reader 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙤𝙩Where stories live. Discover now