Chapter 1

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   All Rick could feel was shame as he walked into his home with Simon trailing behind him. Ashamed for letting any of this happen. Ashamed that he couldn't stop it. But he was fixing this now. He could tell Simon, and things would be over. Right? It wasn't like Rick didn't want to say something earlier. He did. He tried to make it stop, but then the threats came. That if he fought back, Negan would kill his family. That Negan simply wouldn't give a damn if he said anything. But then...

Two weeks before,

With a nervous expression, Rick let Negan walk him around the small town, flinching every time their bodies touched. This happened far too often since Negan had no idea what personal space meant. "I know I scared the shit out of you with me murdering your buddies and all, but-" Negan stopped and waved his hand at him. "-but this is getting ridiculous. You act like I'm gonna rape you or something. It's fucking annoying."

For just a moment, Rick felt all the blood drain from his face, and he quickly looked away. "S-sorr-"

"That's what I'm talking about. All the stuttering and crap. Acting like an abused housewife. Speaking of, you wouldn't believe the shit that's been going on." Rick forced himself not to jump away when Negan placed a hand on the small of his back and ushered him forward. "We have rules, and I'm sure you know that. You've gotten that through your pretty little head." Frowning, he stared at the ground while waiting for the older man to get to the point. "Apparently, some of my men haven't. Or one of them hasn't. But you know the thing about cockroaches. If you find one, then that means there's a hundred more."

Glancing up, he watched Negan carefully. The smile he always wore didn't meet his eyes, and his tone was painfully sharp. It was enough to make Rick become more anxious. After a moment of silence, he realized that Negan was waiting for some sort of response. "What did, uh..." Looking away again, he tried to make some space between them. "What did he do? The guy who wasn't following the rules, I mean."

Negan somehow seemed to have gotten closer with a tighter hold on him. His nails just barely digging into his skin. Into the wounds he kept hidden under his shirt. "The guy was beating on his daughter. Raping his wife." The nails latched on tighter to his skin, and Rick forced himself not to let out a gasp. "All under my nose. Would you freaking believe it? That... that was happening?" Negan sounded genuinely upset. Confused. "...I didn't. I don't think I wanted to believe it. Until I saw it. And then... do you wanna hear how I take care of bugs? I don't hire an exterminator."

"What did you do to him?" Rick spoke through clenched teeth. He was struggling to get a good breath in, overcome with too many emotions.

"I stomped on his ankles and bashed his knees in with Lucille. After that, I had the good doctor show us how to castrate someone. Without medicine, of course." Rick closed his eyes and unwillingly began to imagine it all. "Then I let Lucille have a go at his tiny fucking dick. She wasn't very happy, so we moved on from there. Broke a few ribs after that. Put my boot down on his neck and had him open up wide. Was about to shove Lucille down in there and the-"

Rick gasped and violently jerked away after Negan's fingers dug too far into him. They'd been far enough to bruise for some time, but now he was bleeding. Weakly glaring up at Negan, he opened his mouth. When he saw the concern mixed with anger in the other man's eyes, he closed it and looked away.

"Shit, prick, I didn't realize I was hurting you-"

"It's fine." He was thankful his shirt hid the wall of bruises and open wounds. "I'm fine." Eyes trained on the grass below him, he carefully thought over his next words. "You... you don't allow rape?"

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