chapter 4

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all the adults in the house had gathered in the living room, discussing what everyone was hoping to do for the rest of this week. emily and jj made their way downstairs to find everyone else, with jj pulling emily behind her by her hand, the latter still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

jj looked down as she felt something small collide into her legs, causing her to stop in her tracks at the bottom of the stairs and emily to walk into her back. making eye contact with her only niece, the blonde was too distracted to notice emily's hands gripping her waist as she bent down to scoop the small girl up.

"auntie jj!! you're here" the 8 year old squealed excitedly.

"princess aria! i missed you so much my girl" she said, matching her enthusiasm and embracing her in a tight hug, shaking them both back and forth.

the younger agent was confused as the little girl tried to hide her face in her neck, that was until she noticed her peeking at emily. jj smiled to herself as she traced shapes on aria's back.

eventually she removed her face from jj's neck, looking up and asking in a whisper "auntie jay who's that lady"

glancing back at her best friend she answered, telling her "baby that's my girlfriend, her name is emily and she's super fun i promise, can you say hi?"

aria looked at emily and waved, whispering a small hi before turning back to her aunt.

"she's pretty, she looks like a princess" she loudly whispered.

jj looked back to the older agent, emily's hair still slightly messy from their nap and a calm happiness in her eyes, she then turned back to the little girl still in her arms and agreed quietly.

"i think so too, maybe all three of us can play princesses later" she smiled.

the 8 year old frantically nodding her head in excitement.

"where is your dads love?" the blonde questioned.

aria thought for a moment before shrugging and wriggling her way out of jj's hold, running off to play with her cousins while jj watched her with a soft smile on her face.

the younger agent sighed happily as she felt emily's arms wrap around her waist and her chin resting on her shoulder. smiling as she breathed in the lavender perfume the brunette always wears.

"ready?" emily asked, moving her hands to once again grip jj's waist as the women began leaning back into her with a hum instead of an answer.

"come on love, we need to go spend time with your family" she whispered softly, kissing her on the cheek and pushing her back to a standing position.

sighing, jj once again grabbed emily's hand and started to lead her towards the living room in hopes that everyone else would be in there.

"show time, you ready babe" emily whispered before they entered the room, causing jj to laugh, effectively getting everyone's attention on them before they had even sat down to join the conversation.
——————————————————————————————————————— word count: 513

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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