Chapter 112 - Paranormal Reality

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Geneva: Headquarters of the League of Nations

"It is difficult to believe as a natural phenomenon, but it is all true."

"It seems like Japan in the 21st century... or at least, it is not the Japan we were supposed to fight against."

After the unilateral declaration by Prime Minister Kato, people from the same era appear on the other side and testify. They are the former envoys of the old Allied nations that could not be contacted before arriving in Japan after a de facto ceasefire. The "full color" projection device has somehow started to function as an intercontinental television phone, and the question-and-answer session with them can be done without any trouble, which has completely blown away the astonishment. Those who were dumbfounded in the conference room were dragged into a mad reality. Some turned pale and held their heads, while others chanted the name of God with resentment. Things that are defined by words such as common sense and worldview crumbled with a rattling sound.

However, the part that didn't quite add up with just the intervention of the group from the future was largely resolved. Furthermore, everyone had begun to feel that they were virtually under someone else's control, albeit unwillingly. Even if the explanation of the Time-Space Cataclysm was completely nonsense and the entity that came was different from future Japan, it was because there were no abnormal weapons that were completely impossible to deal with. On the contrary, the British Foreign Minister, Eden, glanced at another screen. Live footage was being broadcasted of a huge mushroom cloud rising up from an atomic weapon with the power of 200.000 tons of TNT exploding in the Atlantic Ocean, close to the East Coast of North America.

"Honestly, the truth is beyond belief..."

A big sigh. Along with it, he averted his gaze.

Across from him was the Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, and even from a distance, it was clear how his expression was distorted. There were also conflicts over Poland between them, but what on earth was Poland by now?

"Suddenly appearing in this world, making a mess of the world by fighting, and then saying that this phenomenon is a common issue for humanity, cooperate in its investigation... To be honest, it should be called the ramblings of a lunatic or something that is too good for a bug," the secretary next to him said as if he was suffering from a fever. "Everything is just messed up. I don't get what they are planning."

"Probably... they are also really in trouble."

Eden recalled a tabletop exercise conducted in secret and delivered the analysis results in a dry voice. It was a study that assumed the unlikely scenario of only Great Britain being transported to the world of 1905. It was beyond unexpected that the scenario, which had replaced Great Britain with Japan, would become a reality. However, because Eden had known this as a premise, the mental shock may have been slightly alleviated.

"As for the part about achieving war goals, it's truly regrettable and may be extremely harsh, especially for colonial people... but it can be considered a fact. Otherwise, they wouldn't be making this announcement and would just continue invading unilaterally. There was an incident in Japan about 15 years ago where Prime Minister Inukai, who spoke of understanding through dialogue, was shot and killed by terrorists... but at least we're not in a situation where 'understanding through dialogue' is impossible."

"By the way, is the peace agreement settled... come to think of it, I haven't seen former Foreign Minister Satō around."

"He's been bedridden for various reasons. Anyway," taking into account the catastrophic potential that a future state could bring, he regained some of his energy and said, "If we can cooperate, negotiate, and align our interests to some extent, then even if we're dealing with a future entity, we should be able to find a way to handle it. That's why we're here, isn't it?"

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