Chapter 6

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○ Rosie's outfit on top
○ Aks = Auradon kids
○ Enjoy it boo! ☺️

3rd person pov:

Mal: If you guys didn't bring him here. This wouldn't have happened. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!

Evie: He was gotta come with or without us, we just wanted to protect him.

Carlos:Yeah. And we completely blew it.

Rosie: I am so dead with I don't bring back my brother

Jaelyn: Okay. Okay, so what are we gonna do?

Mal: We are not doing anything. This is between Uma and me, and she's a punk. And guess what, now I have to go get him.

Carlos: Whoa, whoa, Whoa, Mal You're still gonna have to go through Harry hook and his wharf rats.

Jay: Yeah your gonna need us.

Mal: Uma said to come alone.

Evie: Mal, Come on.

Rosie: boo. She said to come alone.

Jaelyn to Rosie: I know there's only one thing. That we aren't going anywhere. *Rosie nodded her head*

Jay: We will be here when you get back

(Mal leaves and then Rosie speaks up)

Rosie: If I don't get my brother and Mal back to Auradon then I have to be Queen and I'm not ready for that. So they both better back on time for the Cotillion.

Carlos: Don't worry they will both be back

(Back to mal)

Mal: *sing-song* I'm Back

Uma: Loser, Party of one, right This way.

Mal: Place still stinks.

Uma: Oh, I'm sorry. We're down a butler today. Princess.

Mal: Where is he?

Uma: You know, I've dreamed of this. You wanting something from me and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook.

Mal: I'm so flattered that you dreamed of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left.

Uma: Obviously. You have your perfect little life, Don't you?

Uma: Doesn't she have the perfect little life? And we're 20 years into a garbage strike.

Mal: Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on.

Mal: I see no need to bring Ben into this.

Uma: It may be a little unnecessary, but, ugh? It is so much fun. Here's the deal.

Mal: Just like your mother, always a catch.

Uma: If you win. Ben is free to go. Hmm?

Uma: don't you wanna know what i get if I win?

Mal: Still dreaming.

Uma: Last time I Checked, that your mother thought she had things all seen up, too, huh? How did that work out for her again?

Mal: On three.

Uma: One.

Both: Two. Three.

*time skips a little*

Uma: If I win. You bring me the wand.

[Uma wins the wand and then looks back at mal]

Uma: Now. If you want beasty boy back, bring me Fairy Godmother magic wand to my ship tomorrow at 12:00 noon. Sharp.

*back with the whole group*

Evie: We can't just give Uma the wand. We can't just let her destroy Auradon.

Carlos: Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben is toast, guys-

Jaelyn: So your going to give Uma of all people, the wand.

Rosie: Wait you guys. Your 3D printer.

Carlos: A phony wand. Yes. In my sleep.

Evie: Yeah, but the second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake.

Mal: Okay, so then we get Ben out really fast.

Jay: Smoke bombs.

Evie: That's perfect. I can get the chemicals. I need from Lady Tremaine's palce.that can work.

Evie: Oh, and sick hair by the way. Evil Stepmother seriously stepped up her game.

Mal: Okay. You wanna know something. Dizzy did this.

Evie: Little dizzy? Shut up.

Mal: I know I'm, like, love it. It's like a lot lighter.

Evie: I'm really proud of her.

(Clears throat)

Rosie: Hello? *just staring at them*

Evie: right.

Mal: Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at pirates bay, no later than noon. And you guys, losing, not an option. Cause we are rotten

Vks: to the core.

Jaelyn: [Jaelyn looks at Rosiethen back at the group] Anyways...

Rosie: Yeah.

(Vks laugh at them)

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