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"Но, языки - это яд"
But tongues are poison

"Я вижу их взгляд"
I see their eyes

Mila's POV

I woke up at like 3 pm I was so hungover. I didn't even realise I wasn't in my own bed until Tom came in his room to grab something "Ah you're awake" he said "Ugh I have the worst headache ever" I said getting up from the bed "Well you we're pretty wasted" he said looking in his desk "You guys got any Advil?" I asked him "Yea" he said and I left the room trying to look for it downstairs

"Ahh shes awake" Bill said "we have good News" Georg said excitedly "What is it?" I asked "First we were waiting for you and now we're waiting for Tom" Gustav told me and I nodded "You look like shit" I told Klaus with a scrunched up face "Like you look any better" he said looking up at me "His he high?" I asked them and they nodded "He said he wanted to be so I gave it to him" Bill said "Billll" I groaned "Sorry" he said laughing a bit "I feel like a bird" Klaus said "You look like a bird" I told him. Just then Tom came running down the stairs "Sorry" he said "What cabinet is the Advil in?" I asked bill "Top left" He replied "Oh thanks" I said going on my tippy toes to reach it "Haha you have to go on your tippy toes!" Klaus said pointing at me, while laughing "Shut up" I said and Tom laughed

"Alright guys focus I'm trying to say something!" Georg yelled getting out attention "Sorry" I put my hands up while filling a glass cup up with water so I could swallow the pill "So an agent saw us at the bar and he wants us to record our album AND THEN TAKE US GO ON TOUR!!" Georg said and we all had wide eyes before we all started cheering we were all so happy "to bad we partied last night" Bill complained

"Actually" I said before running up to bills room empty handed. And when I went downstairs I had Vodka in my hand "You fucking Russian" Tom said with a smile "Always" I said with the same smile "Basement anyone?" I asked walking down the basement stairs and they all followed me "We're so gonna regret this Tomorrow" Gustav said "That's the whole point my Friend" Georg respinded making us all laugh

By this point once again, we were wasted.. Again. Oh well, it was fun at least. This time no one was throwing up, Yet

"Ok im taking a nap" I told everyone before I went up stairs to bills room and took a nap I didn't want to be drunk most of the day I still wanted to do something else that was fun

After like a two hour nap I went down in the basement and saw Tom sleeping on the floor Gustav on the couch Klaus hunched over the coffee table and Georg laying down on the table and Bill on the Tv stand? I was so confused on how they even got like this but I did take a picture to make fun of them with

I decided to plug in the my bass and I put it on max volume and I just played with random strings and holy shit was that loud. "MILA" Klaus yelled throwing popcorn at my face making me laugh "Let's go somewhere I want to get a piercing" I told them and Tom instantly got up "Piercing? Oh hell yeah" he said running to get his shoes "See toms excited, get ready losers" I said going up the stairs

"what do you want to get pierced?" Tom asked as we were sitting at the table waiting for the guys to finish getting ready "probably my belly button. I've always wanted a belly button ring" I told him "you would look hot" he told me and i smiled looking away right before Tom was gonna say something Bill walked up the stairs with the rest of the boys behind him "Let's go love birds" he said and we started walking out to the car

"Клаус, я боюсь, будет больно?" I asked Klaus in Russian (klaus im scared is it gonna hurt?) "Нет, Мила, это будет похоже на щепотку" he replied annoyed by me (No Mila it's gonna feel like a pinch) "German please" Gustav said "Mila is scared" Klaus Said teasing me "You are?!" Tom asked chuckling a bit "Yes i am!" I yelled "Welp to bad we're here" Bill said and I closed my eyes tightly "It was your idea" Georg said "Oh hush" i told him

"What are you guys here for?" The piercing guy asked us I looked around to see if the boys wanted anything and they shook their heads "Just a belly button piercing" I told him "Ok follow me" he said and I started following him to back

"Okay and 3, 2, 1" he said counting down when he was gonna pierce my belly button i felt so nervous and he used the needle and I felt pain in my bellybutton.

"Oh wow" I said looking at my piercing I absolutely loved it. "Thanks" I said before giving him the money and walking away

"Ta da!" I said doing a twirl to show the guys my new piercing. I was smiling like a kid on Christmas I was so excited, "Omg its beautiful" Bill said with a biggest smile "Sick" "Pretty" "Ugly" "Hot" they all said I rolled my eyes at klaus's reply, but Tom's gave me butterflies for some reason

"Mila!" Klaus yelled for me "yes?" I asked coming downstairs "It's time to go home for school tomorrow" He said and I nodded

We all said goodbye and walked home. Our father and mom were waiting for us we thought we were in trouble but they just wanted to say they were proud of us getting famous. Then we all Drank Vodka together as a celebration and went to sleep

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